This guy is probably trying to hurry up to trade in a exchange, especially that Bitcoin is so volatile right now. Probably trying to catch something and swap transaction fee to transaction amount.
OR maybe it's like pooya87 said, it's probably money laundering too. Bribing doesn't make sense to me, so he's probably trying pay something from that miner (probably for drugs?).
Not really much on minding about money laundering on this part where i do saw that it is way too far off to presume with this situation but i cant deny that this is plausible or could really be a reason
but i do highly doubt that this was indeed a mistake by the sender and i do agree into the point that he might made up some swap of transaction amount and the fees that had been set.
Instead of sending 47k he accidentally set it up on the fees which is really a very costly mistake yet we cant be sure if the said miner who do pushed up that transaction would really return those funds
or would be completely lost forever.