If there was no morality of Christianity and other religions, atheist morality would only exist as any individual atheist agreed on within himself. This could range from essentially no morality, to a morality stricter than the most strict formal religions of today. Such religious activity on the part of atheists would make atheism the most erratic religion of all.
As it is, the morality of atheism is inbred, automatic training coming mostly from Christianity.
ya-ba-da-ba-do!!! About time our Flintstones friend showed up.
A person morality does not come from being trained by other people. Not sure what you mean?
My morality is not that of my parents, my teachers or my priests.
Most Atheists use their head to evaluate what is moral and what is not. Religion is definitely not any source of morals
for Atheists.
For me, I apply several tests to see if an action is moral. The most important factors for me are:
- if the action causes suffering, it is immoral
- if the action causes harm, it is immoral
Sorry to break your bubble, but Christianity and especially Bible is the worst example of morality.
My morality is not even remotely Christian.