At 700MHz they're pretty much tapped out, and overclocking is not an option until we figure out how to control voltage. My OG S7s run at 6TH/s in comparison with overclocking.
I totally agree with you. I'm coming close to making the decision to go ahead and under clock these back to 600 MHz from the 700 MHz factory setting. If I'm not mistaken, the batch 6 (135 chips) were clocked at 600 MHz and hashed at 4.0 TH/s? I'm thinking about treating the new 135 chip rigs as batch 6 and under clock all of them to 600 MHz for longevity.
I got batch is totally stable being overclocked to 625, a bit less stable (or maybe less efficient?) at 650, so I will try either of these two instead of just 600, if you have room on PSU. The funny thing, if you remember as everyone was saying that B1 "likes' heat-~60C. In my observation, B6 "likes" being cold-I got better speed and less errors at 41-45C (same goes for B7, interestingly).
625-4.15-4.2 TH (1090W at the wall); 4.3 TH at 650 (1150W)Biodom or Anyone else,
Help me remember... Did Batch 6 have 135 chips or 162 chips? My question was never really answered about number of chips. I'm curious if I would get similar efficiency with under clocking as Biodom mentions here with Batch 6 but similar with Batch 8?
S7 Batch 6 Specifications:
1. Hash Rate: 4.05 TH/s
2. Power Consumption: 1042 W + 10% (at the wall, with APW3, 93% efficiency, 25C ambient temp)
3. Power Efficiency: 0.25 J/GH + 10% (at the wall, with APW3, 93% efficiency, 25°C ambient temp)
4. Rated Voltage: 11.60 ~ 13.00V
5. Chip quantity per unit: 135x BM1385
6. Dimensions: 301mm(L)*123mm(W)*155mm(H)
7. Cooling: 2x 12038 fan
8. Operating Temperature: 0 °C to 40 °C
9. Network Connection: Ethernet
10. Default Frequency: 600M