Well I have actually been able to get the U3 to run under windows, so far the best I have been able to get is 43 GH/s and it still randomly Zombies after a few hours (it will always do it if the computer is set to sleep, turn off sleep settings and USB suspend and it runs for a few hours at least).
If anyone else gets the LIBUSB error flash before the device Zombie's out and gives device not found error, here is how I fixed that.
Note: I strongly suggest you make a backup of drivers, create a system restore point and a full system backup before attempting !
First delete ALL USB devices AND Drivers in your system. (If you don't know how to do this either look it up or move your miner to a different machine or get help)
Then reinstall all USB devices and drivrs from scratch. Then install silabs driver, then install win driver using Zadig. Restart machine then plug in U3, start bitmain cgminer version.
I have best results so far using 0755 for voltage 0982 for freq and 0.9 for baud. Those settings give me a typical early rate of 50 GH/s that slows as it runs to average about 43 GH/s over a few hours.
Now I have yet to find any way to run two of these on the same computer, just won't seem to let second one run under same instance of cgminer and trying two instances creates system resource conflict with these.
As for a working Rpi image, well no luck yet, it should be a pretty simple matter to create one if driver is integrated into main cg fork.
To Kolivas (e.g. CrazyGuy) Thanks for taking on this project of integrating the driver for us
I am now using settings of 0795 for voltage 1306 for freq and 0.9 for baud. This is giving me a pretty consistent 53 GH/s (although it still Zombies out after 8 or 9 hours for some reason that I have yet to figure out).
I am not going any higher with voltage since I don't want to start a fire. Will still be playing with drivers, freq and buad settings to try to find the best combo for GH/s to error rate.
If anyone gets a working Rpi image please let us know. Maybe we can figure out a way to upload it and post a link so others can use it.