It largely depends on where you live and what government subsidies are available, in some cases you can't do the buying and install yourself if you want subsidies (needs to be done by a certified company).
You need panels and an invertor to turn DC into 230 V AC (or in your case 110V AC). Solar panels range in prices from cheap (need large surface to put them down) to super expensive (you only need 3 panels to get 1000 Watts). I don't know how much roof you have available. Solar panels last 20 years, invertors break down after 10 years.
A 240 Wp Solar panel costs here about $USD 600, a 3k VA PVI costs $USD 1800. Add costs for cabling and roofmounting and you are looking at $USD 4 / 1 Wp for a large installation.
Unless you want to use a system disconnected from the grid, where you'll need batteries to store the excess capacity and then it becomes really expensive.
But if you want it in the grid, you need an inverter. The whole science behind planning one is very difficult, kinda like building your first computer. You almost worry that you bought incompatible parts.
Nice epic bumps guys.