Sorry but that doesn't works, lets do some calculations:
a midrange PC with high efficiency PSU will drain at least 280W, if the night is 10 hours long you need 2,8KWh
lets assume you're using 2 of the solar panel to charge the battery, and that the charger has 100% efficiency you have in the 14 hours of day 1,4KWh of power put in your batteries. Thats means less than 5hr of power.
Even admitting that 5 hours is better than 0 if you do same is calcs come out that this is totally anti-economics: if you pay your current 0,2$/KWh you can save 0,28$/day, or 100$/yr so you need 3 years of full 14 hours of sunny days to pay your investment (or you live in a desertic area or actually is safe to think that you need at least 5...)
hmmmm, yeah I hadn't ran the precise math yet but I had a feeling that with 1 medium sized solar panel, you wouldn't be able to run your PC every single night. And your theoretic machine would require a ballpark figure of 6 small batteries to operate for 10 hours. That even kills a stepped implementation where you invest a smaller amount up front and use bitcoin profits to fun additional panels over time. Well that sucks
But the good news is that that panel kit appears to include a voltage regulator, voltage transformer, and voltmeter
But I have another idea, which isn't my idea cuz I saw it on the discovery channel on that faux-post-apocalyptic semi-reality show: The Colony
Okay, so what charges the battery in your car? Your alternator. It spins and copper spinning past copper or whatever creates charge and that charges your battery plus runs your car. Btw your local power plant does the exact same thing but the spinning turbine is
a little bigger but this is the ideal way to create power efficiently.
A minimal alternator in a small sedan could do about 90 amps tops @ 14.4V @ 5000RPM and probably has an idling rating around 20-30 amps. The average home car battery charger maxes at 6 amps and can charge an average battery in just a few hours. BUT car batteries can obviously take more than 6 amps because in a car, it could be causing the alternator to supply it with like 50-100 amps if it was really low. I have no idea the max rate they can safely absorb energy at, I just know it's REALLY high. I mean, you leave your headlights on for a few hours while your car's off and your battery is at like 6V so you hook it up to your friend's truck and have him rev the engine (to create more than those 30 idling amps) for a few minutes and the thing's back up several volts higher already.
Now, an alternator takes less power away from the engine than an average air conditioning unit and even those don't exceed like 50HP. In fact, you can spin an alternator fairly fast with just your hand. So here's what I'm thinking and like I said, they actually built this on The Colony and it worked. They just happened to find a bank of like a dozen brand new batteries, double zero gauge cabling, and fuses laying around but still
Go get an old school stationary excersize bike on a metal plate frame at Goodwill or a garage sale or craigslist for $20. Buy a small battery or two at Walmart for $30 ea. Buy two cuts of a couple feet of about 8 gauge cable and some large alligator clamps at your hardware store for about $30. Call your local junkyard and tell them you want any alternator of any size out of any car that can spin for about $50-75. Oh and guess what, all modern alternators have voltage regulators built in already
Get creative with a drill and a thick metal plate (about $30) and some bolts and mount the alternator a foot or two from your front tire. Get a car belt matching the alternator's pulley size (about $20) and wrap it around the bike wheel, possibly after removing the back tire, and tension it up. Then pedaling spins the alternator which you wired up to your battery and tada, it's charging your battery REALLY fast. Oh and keep an eye on that amp meter and volt meter you hooked up to the circuit ($10 ea) and don't exceed like 50 amps and when the battery is at 14V, stop pedaling. I'm thinking it would probably take just a couple minutes to charge an entire battery that way. So tada, FREE ENERGY!
You know what that means? Are you ready to have your mind blown? Like clear out the back of your head, blown?
I hope you're sitting down for this! You'd be making free energy for your bitcoin make bitcoins and make money.....while losing weight! KABOOM! Mind officially blown lol.