Getting 38.5 Mh/s UBIQ on Vega 56.
Pure open source.. rocm-opencl + sgminer-gm
pp_table being a bitch, so I'm OD'ing the mclk to where I want it, and setting the sclk to level 3.
# echo 17 > /sys/class/drm/card0/device/pp_mclk_od
# /opt/rocm/bin/rocm-smi --setsclk 3
# /opt/rocm/bin/rocm-smi --setmclk 3
# ./rocm-smi
==================== ROCm System Management Interface ====================
GPU DID Temp AvgPwr SCLK MCLK Fan Perf OverDrive ECC
0 687f 60.0c 120.0W 1269Mhz 936Mhz 88.63% manual 0% N/A
==================== End of ROCm SMI Log ====================
Once I get the pp_table working right, I'll be able to lower my voltage.
So you're not using amdgpu-pro drivers? Please could you share how you got OpenCL working in Linux? Sometime ago I've tried phoronix's guide using the hacked kernel and MESA + Clover + amdgpu stack with sgminer-gm but it didn't work.
No pro drivers. No Mesa or Clover needed... Dont need GUI, no OpenGL, etc.
# ldd sgminer | grep libOpenCL => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f208a3d3000)
# ls -la /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 40 Sep 29 10:27 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ -> /opt/rocm/opencl/lib/x86_64/
# uname -a
Linux localhost 4.11.0-kfd-compute-rocm-rel-1.6-148 #1 SMP Wed Aug 23 12:00:35 CDT 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
# dpkg -l rocm* compute-firmware llvm-6* *amdgpu* hcc* hip* libclang-* linux*
in compute-firmware all (no description available)
ii hcc 1.0.17312 amd64 HCC: An Open Source, Optimizing C++ Compiler for Heterogeneous
ii hip_base 1.2.17305 amd64 HIP: Heterogenous-computing Interface for Portability [BASE]
ii hip_hcc 1.2.17305 amd64 HIP: Heterogenous-computing Interface for Portability [HCC]
ii libclang-6.0-dev 1:6.0~svn314833-0~x~pad amd64 clang library - Development package
ii libclang-common-6.0-dev 1:6.0~svn314833-0~x~pad amd64 clang library - Common development package
ii libdrm-amdgpu1:amd64 2.4.83+git1709282014.1d amd64 Userspace interface to amdgpu-specific kernel DRM services
ii linux-headers-4.11.0-kfd-compute-roc 4.11.0-kfd-compute-rocm amd64 Linux kernel headers for 4.11.0-kfd-compute-rocm-rel-1.6-148 on amd64
ii linux-image-4.11.0-kfd-compute-rocm- 4.11.0-kfd-compute-rocm amd64 Linux kernel, version 4.11.0-kfd-compute-rocm-rel-1.6-148
ii llvm-6.0 1:6.0~svn314833-0~x~pad amd64 Modular compiler and toolchain technologies
ii llvm-6.0-dev 1:6.0~svn314833-0~x~pad amd64 Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, libraries and headers
ii llvm-6.0-runtime 1:6.0~svn314833-0~x~pad amd64 Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, IR interpreter
ii rocm-dev 1.6.148 amd64 Radeon Open Compute (ROCm) Runtime software stack
ii rocm-device-libs 0.0.1 amd64 Radeon Open Compute - device libraries
ii rocm-opencl 1.2.0-1430311 amd64 OpenCL/ROCm
ii rocm-opencl-dev 1.2.0-1430311 amd64 OpenCL/ROCm
ii rocm-profiler 5.1.6400 amd64 The ROCm-Profiler is a command-line profiler for profiling
ii rocm-smi 1.0.0-25-gbdb99b4 amd64 System Management Interface for ROCm
ii rocm-utils 1.0.0 amd64 AMD ROCm utilities - Utilities for ROCm platforms
I have the m-bab 4.12.14+ kernel installed also, but was having issues detecting my GPUs, even though lspci showed them, amdkfd didnt see them.. and because of that clinfo would segfault. I tried rx470, rx570, and rx vega, and no luck. I sort of wanted to play with the 4.12.14+ with the DC/DAL patches for a full mesa opengl wayland, but I can wait for v4.15 for all that. Its not necessary for mining.