Not quite noob
Anyone who spends 10 grand today on inflated shitcoins is a fucking retard.
Do I have to explain why or was the words NOOB and inflated a clue?
Oh and do the math.. Bank investment would give you a guaranteed safe return.
Start using a toilet pajeets
![Roll Eyes](
I'm not saying you are stupid but.. It is your name LOL
Maybe $10k worth of BTC and LTC lol
Not sure about LTC... fork-coins are not the new hype anymore imho.
Excuse me?
What in the fuck is a fork coin and what is the new hype noob?
Care to elaborate?
I suspect you know fuck all about LTC..or why it was made in the first place.
By the way pajeets Litecoin has achieved more adoption than any other Altcoin that ever existed.
It was launched fairly unlike the scam coin Ethereum or the ICO inside an ICO scam coins made on the scam coin cloning platform.
But BTC and LTC I'd say even that would be a stretch.
Let's get real here for a minute.
Any pajeet showing up here now during the scammy ICO craze and buying 10 grand of shitcoins then sitting on them until 2025 is a fucking idiot.
Read that back to me smart ass's does that sound like a bright idea to you?
whether you like it, approve it or not, some of the alt coins will gain strength due to affordability. Instead of buying 1 bitcoin they can buy 15-20k NEM and have chances to add more into their portfolio in a year or two when the price increases. Not denying Bitcoins superior status in cryptocurrency but one has to or want to increase their bitcoin stash. how do you exactly increase your btc if you are only investing in btc?
This makes no sense to me, it's like my wifes parents who understand nothing about stocks thinking they are getting a deal on 'cheap stocks' NEM being affordable just means there are tons and tons of them and they will likely never hit the values seen by cryptos with fewer coins. This must be a really misguided motivation to buy NEM when NEM functionally has nothing to offer over some of the more recent platforms.
And bitcoin is divisible. It's almost like if someone took bitcoin and just rebranded it 'satoshis' you would all of sudden be behind buying it because it was affordable. Satoshis are 10 cents this puppy could run up x1000! The whole thing is nonsense!
Yup.. What I was thinking too.
Do these guys not get it or what?
They seem to love leep frogging over the point..
Which is... WHAT the thing in question is.
And whether it will be fair and achieve its goals.. Which should be real world adoption.
Yet they ramble on that someone is going to come and buy them on an exchange and they will make money.. Real money.. There for if they get profit then it's legit and all great.
Look at what guy said..
That is like saying I am hoarding silver because of gold.
Silver is not gold guys
And it never will be!
Why is gold worth about $16 a gram CAN right now?
And silver worth 50 cents a gram?
I went in this week and sold some of my gold and the place refused to buy my silver.
They just didn't want it.
Hmm why?
Well.. There is a lot more silver out there and people flogging it.
The profiteers here are stupid selfish greedy immoral corrupt and don't have the faintest clue about economics or basic supply and demand.
Nor do they know anything about crypto.
The scamtards here keep launching thousands of worthless shitcoins and the legendary users here know damn well they are pure bullshit but they are luring in idiots to buy them so this whole shit show just rolls on and on.
An intelligent or even English comment here is rare.
Which speaks volumes to the general public watching all this..
They see a bunch of scammy ass greedy dipshits and will gladly swoop in and take their cash.
It's funny though because you'd think a forum on economics, cryptography and computer programing would attract a smart user base.
But looking at the quote above you can see that is not the case.
Nor is there any age requirments.
Half the idiots lipping me off are stupid children spending mom's money on ICO coins for ROI's while they are off school.
Most of the people here shouldn't even be here.
They contribute nothing of any use.
I have zero respect for the majority of sleezy douches in crypto.
Mmmhhmm you're all going to be millionaires