we are contacting to the biggest porn sites and porn tubes on the net, to accept it as a payment.
which porn sites?
Currently we are talking with Brazzers, MPLstudios, X-art, Wowgirls
And it looks they will give it a try as soon as our payment site is done.
But we will have an affiliate section on our site, so any user can collect new merchants, and they will get payouts from us.
You have abused our privacy rights by sharing our private conversations.
The two biggest pool which has got 99% of the hashrate didn't conflict about why we bring this
security option, just to make sure all pools will pay the shares of their miners.
but you who got almost 0 hashrate debates all the time.
I advise exchanges to take free money so people can buy/trade the coin. Even if dev dumps that doesn't justify restricting miners and potential investors from having the opportunity to do as they please on an open trading platform.
This idea of encouraging exchanges to not list a coin for certain reasons does nothing but lose the exchange money, lose the investor money, lose the miner money and stops ANY/ALL potential for growth.
I know you mean well, but this approach seems like it helps no one.
1 penny is worth more than zero pennies.
We know a guy who mined more than 3 million XXX coin in 1 day, this guy invested a lot of BTC to rent big mining rings,
after that premine don't look so much.
We don't think you have to care about dumping the premine, we started our project February this year, we have been working on it for months now,
why would we risk all our invested time in this project just for dumping it for a few btc?
If we wanted to make some quick btc, we would just make 20 copy paste X11 and X13 coin with 1% premine, and thats all.
It would make no sense, really...
But in itself there is really nothing wrong with dumping, if more people will try to sell his XXX at start, because they don't believe this
or they just wanted to make some quick BTC, that means price will be really low,
this would make a good opportunity for new investors who wants to invest their BTC,
because ther risk whould be exactly the same, but now the price is much lower, so the profit can be 10 times more or even 100 for the lowest price.
Complaining about dumping really a stupid thing, if you have mined your XXX, you have the right to sell it anytime you wants.
so i said i like dumpers on the beginning, after that they buy back and pay more, or troll thread because they are angry they sold cheap:)