I am staking now for 3 days and my balance is still 1000.00 coins. How long does it take for 1st reward? Thank you,
Have you set up a masternode? It took about 5 days for me to get first reward from a masternode.
Yes. It sorted out later that day.
Now I can not transfer everything from my wallet. I always get the message "Insufficient funds". I can transfer everything except 1.000,00 coins from my wallet. Are this 1.000,00 locked somewhere. Can I unlock them and send them? Thank you,
You have to stop running your masternode to withdraw the 1000 coin collateral.
To stop running a masternode, commend out the line in the goldminenode.conf file (put a # at the start of the line), then stop and start your wallet.
It worked. Thank you,