Множество доработок:
Added IGNIS Token Sale page. See https://www.jelurida.com/ico for latest token
sale terms and schedule.
Added support for the Changelly cryptocurrency exchange.
Added code to disable trading or transferring of assets that will be migrated
to Ardor after the Ardor Genesis Snapshot, and delete open ask/bid orders for
them at that time. Currently such assets and their ids are:
ARDR: 12422608354438203866
Bitswift: 12034575542068240440
Janus: 4348103880042995903
JanusXT: 14572747084550678873
ComJNSXT: 13363533560620557665
Added support for printing a "paper wallet" when creating a new account and
from the account details modal.
Added a custom installer panel that allows to: shutdown NXT server if it is
running; remove existing installation; customize conf/nxt.properties by
choosing from a fixed set of settings.
The pre-defined installer settings are taken from property files under
conf/examples. The installer makes sure no settings are in conflict.
Added password recovery tool for brute forcing partially forgotten or mistyped
passphrases. Use the passwordRecovery.sh or passwordRecovery.bat script to run,
after first setting the known password text fragments and guesses dictionary in
nxt.properties. See nxt-default.properties for configuration details.
Added ability to display a custom warning message on the login screen,
configurable as nxt.customLoginWarning.
Added active shufflings notification in the header bar.
Added image loading progress bar to the lock screen.
Performance optimizations when under higher transaction load.
Monetary System UI improvements and bugfixes.
API gzip filter is now automatically enabled for open API nodes, unless
explicitly disabled in nxt.enableAPIServerGZIPFilter.
Support running Nxt as a Windows service.