10 trillion dollars.
That might be a bit too good to be true. $2 billion is apparently fine, Prime hashlets on the Market are still hovering around $44 so the faith is strong.
I was wrong. The $20 million market cap was totally not a made up number. Turns out there are "investors" who have valued this new coin at $2 billion.
Answer-2: We are creating a reserve fiat fund, in excess of 30 million dollars, to create immediate liquidity for the coin. This reserve will create a floor for the coin. It will stabilize the price and prevent pump and dumps from occurring. We do not believe many will sell, because our market analyst reported that the coin should break the
$75.00 price point within 12 months of the ICO. Since there are many merchants committing to this, the price is expected to continue to climb.
So $75 x 96m =
$7.2 billion = 1.5 times the market cap of all cryptocoins combined (including bitcoin)
And to call it a cryptocoin is a stretch. The definition of cryptocurrency is "a medium of exchange using cryptography to secure the transactions and to control the creation of new units".
With hashcoin, the mining/cryptography is completely arbitrary as all transactions are all sent to the bank of GAW who has complete control over the blockchain and can modify it at will.
If you were hit by a bus on your way to work tomorrow, without leaving your crypto keys where your heirs could find them, you are caught in a situation that has no obvious solution. A bank can fix that problem, by overriding the system and moving your money to your heirs.
Everyone knows the example of wealthy benefactors who funnel money to bad people who blow things up. Those cases are a very small percentage of what a bank would deal with. Most of the time a bank is going to be dealing with the small mundane issues, like someone inheriting your assets on your death, or freezing them if there are criminal proceedings.
When there is a central bank, for the crypto currency, in the picture, it can mitigate these issues, and governments will accept it much more readily.