We are perfect consumers. And I can't help thinking that over time, we have been "gently" pushed in this direction.
No more goals, no ideas, ideology, morals or principles. Just having the latest iWhatever, fast car and sleep with plenty of women. Like a new special breed of zombies.
In the past people fought and gave their life for freedom. And now I think we are less free then before. It's just that we are persuaded otherwise. Like in ancient Rome - bread and circus.
And the reason for this is fairly simple. We're just lazy. We're having such comfortable lifestyles, many things are done for us, technologies protect people from making an attempt on doing ANYTHING that involves DOING. Nothing is actually forcing us to move our asses from our comfort zone. People keep wanting a lot of beautiful things, they want to gain some skills, they want the change but there is only one "doer" in a group of 1000 people. If you want to do something, you have to fight for it and never give up. But when most of them realize that this involves getting burned, being distracted, maybe humiliated, they find excuses to shield themselves and the band of dull and depressed creatures stays the same.
Yep, 'lazy' is more appropriate here than 'brainwashed,' I believe.