someone else might also be happy by spending their money for buying luxury goods, it's all relative. but what matters most is that, an individual will be really happy when they got their basic needs settled. it's the most important thing, then the other thing comes after that.
You have a point there. How we can earn and spend is up to us, as long as we feel satisfied and happy. We don't have to follow the advice or what the textbook says, we can't force everyone to do the same thing when everyone is different.
Recently I have bought some necessary products for my work and needs, many people say that I am quite wasteful when buying such expensive things. But I don't care because it's my money, and I work hard to earn a lot of money simply to have a better life. I feel happy owning those things, I don't see anything wrong here. They are not me, how will they know what I need and think?
These kind of people are threat to the the society and to themselves. Life is tough and these kind of people make it more tougher