I was just reading or following someone in Facebook and he is a former casino employees. And some of his followers are giving testimonies on the ill effects of gambling in their lives. But one confessions caught my attention when he mentioned that he got lucky in one casino and just betting for a less than a dollar and then he hits the jackpot and won big.
And he says that he lives near a casino and so what he does is that he requested to be ban from entering or self inclusion so that he will prevent himself from turning into addicts because he have seen his friends or families becoming addicted to it.
So my question, are you willing to go to this length for self inclusion because you are afraid that you will want to comeback to a casino and have the feeling of winning the jackpot and then become what others experiencing beginners luck and become addicted in the end?
Self-exclusion works if you are not yet an addicted gambler and need "tools" to overcome the temptation to gamble in a place whenever you have the opportunity.
However, keep in mind that this alone will not prevent you from giving in to temptation, as the desire to gamble may be so great that even though you are "blocked" at the casino near your home, you may get home and open your computer to play at an online casino, spending much more time and money than if you had gone to the physical casino near your home.
In other words... self-exclusion can help a lot, but self-awareness is much more important and essential for those who want to maintain healthy gambling habits.
Sometimes it is better to allow yourself to gamble and do so consciously, than to hold back this desire and at a certain point "blow up" your bank account balance in a few hours due to a withdrawal crisis.