But as we know, to every advantage, there's also a disadvantage, while letting the young ones trade themselves, giving them close monitoring to avoid certain attitudes.
Crypto is the future and therefore children should be taught about this digital currency. It is not only about bitcoin and currency, they should be taught about blockchain technology.
Blockchain technology can be used in many areas and it is not only limited to currency. Crypto and blockchain should be part of the academic Syllabus.
I don't see the government agreeing on placing Crypto and Blockchain technology directly to the school syllables.
Most parents also find it as a toxic topic, but how long should a kid be a kid ?
Take for example the people of Chinese, the people in united kingdom, the both of them do teach them kids about martial arts and basics of football from the very beginning.
I wasn't given such opportunity when growing up, the internet was the major technology and i think this contributed to the failure of tech down my ends.
I'll advocate further about this, this should be broken down, Crypto Alphabet can be taught to kids from small, and peoms read to kids before they go too bed , this will infuse and arouse them to Bitcoin, Crypto Currencies and Blockchain technology.