There was a time before capitalism
I'm well aware. I wonder if you are aware of what its like? Really like?
In the not-too-distant future they'll look back on capitalism and say, "I wonder if you are aware of what it was REALLY like? It was horrible, the vast majority lived as slaves in all but name..."
I'm afraid you are out of your depth, friend. Your myopia blinds you from the truth.
If you take all future obligations the US has promised our real national debt is north of 100 trillion dollars. That much money doesn't even exist.
Don't worry, we leave the vast majority of that debt to our children and grandchildren, essentially selling them off as slaves to foreign banksters before they're even born...
...Surely there won't be any negative political ramifications of that fact, eh?
You keep making vague, stupid, grandoise statements without backing them up.
It's a bad habit I must admit. The truth is I am in possession of a commodity even rarer than Bitcoin. It's called "radical imagination", and for me it is a feeling similar to being in love. An emotional state that can be difficult to express in words, but for the first time in a long time I have hope for humanity. I will share something personal about myself, with no ego I will tell you I have what could be considered "exceptional" intelligence, and for most of my life that has meant a great deal of suffering, depression, and anxiety. Imagine yourself as a peace-loving, compassionate, non-violent human being who is stuck living in a world of violent chimps. Imagine your entire childhood being held under the power of these creatures, and you may have a glimpse into my suffering. The one good thing about suffering is that it is extremely fertile soil for growing knowledge. I survived the worst periods of my life and in the aftermath sought desperately to understand WHY I have suffered so much, and this journey of self-understanding led me to question everything I had once believed.
True wisdom is not the accumulation of ever more knowledge. True wisdom comes from UNLEARNING all the false truths that you were so damn sure about.
You have been lied to your entire life, by people who have been lied to their entire lives. That's reality. Hard to grasp, I know.
And yeah, I know, more grandiose claims without backing them up, more asserting my superior intelligence. What can I tell you, I'm speaking from the heart without ego, there's no other way for me to tell it than to tell it as it is.
I agree that the modern western world consists of what I call "plantation-states" - where the citizens are functionally slaves forced to support the agenda of the elites through direct and indirect taxation. (Much like 19th century plantation slave owners would allow their skilled-trade slaves to keep a portion of their free-lance earnings while pocketing the rest.) However this is not due to capitalism but rather precisely the opposite, because it occurs through the use of centralized political power working against open competition and free-market capitalism. You correctly perceive the injustice, but have the remedy and the malady mixed up.
No, I have nothing mixed up. Capitalism - like the nation-state - necessitates systematic heirarchy-based violence to exist. Just as was the case in the age of outright slavery, ours is a world governed by violence and the threat thereof. Wage-slavery has the same requirement as slavery.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, on this little spec of dust we call Earth there is a zero-sum game between violence and reason. As one waxes, the other wanes. In the end our survival will come down to whether or not we allow reason to vanquish the rule of violence once and for all.
Bitcoin offers our first real opportunity to move past the "might makes right" paradigm of capitalism and the nation-state, and move toward a more just, equal, sane world that is governed by reason. We damn well better take it.