
Topic: Armed Feds Prepare For Showdown With Nevada Cattle Rancher - page 20. (Read 34677 times)

Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
Right-wingers have their Bundy ranch militia clowns.

The real clown is the double douche Harry Reid and his idiot son, and not the poor people who were trying to guard their ancestral land from the goons of BLM. What you will do if your land is seized by the government?

"Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me."

It's entirely possible that I'll have to deal with this problem at some point.  I live on private land which borders public land.  If it happens I'll fight it of course, but I won't be allowing a bunch of kooks to dig foxholes all over the place.

Last I heard nobody is taking Bundy's private land (except possibly as compensation for the judgement against him which have repeatedly held up in court for the decades he's been mooching.)  In short, that's a different situation.

Another thing which is different in my case, unlike that of Mr. Bundy, is that some of my land has a direct link to family who actually homesteaded it.  Other large chunks I bought with my own money (including a nice one recently with Bitcoin proceeds.)

Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
Right-wingers have their Bundy ranch militia clowns.

The real clown is the double douche Harry Reid and his idiot son, and not the poor people who were trying to guard their ancestral land from the goons of BLM. What you will do if your land is seized by the government?

For those of us who have some understanding of the U.S., the concept of special dynastic privilege is one of the things we threw in the trash from the get go.

But the whole point is mute because Bundy is full of shit about how long his family has been at that location.  If his great-great-grandpappy was not so focused on nailing as many adolescent girls as possible or whatever Mormans did back in the day and more focused on actually buying land that he wanted his progeny to control then Cliven wouldn't have this problem.  Additionally, by the dynastic privilege argument the whole fucking thing belongs to the Piutes or Shoshones or some such.

Looks like the guy bought himself a nice little excavator (Japanese of course) with the proceeds that he got complements of the welfare subsidy that he enjoyed at the expense of taxpayers like me.  I got a similar one recently, but I didn't bilk my fellow countrymen to get the money for it.  I used it all day today; damn things are fun!  I'm sure Bundy's fellow ranchers who actually did pay their fees are happy for him and all  of his toys.  From what I read, the BLM puts considerable resources into making a lot of the land under their control conducive to agricultural utilization in addition to a raft of other uses.  Shit costs money, and the grazing fees help defray those costs.  If Bundy sent me a check last year out of the excess he received by ducking out of paying the fees I must have missed it.  Beef jerky which constitutes a significant portion of my diet seems to cost me $0.99 as always so I didn't see any net benefit there.

For my part, I pay a chunk of money every year for our local forest fire protection department (which is legally barred from fighting structure fires) and am glad to have their services.  It's annoying sometimes to not be able to run my equipment in my own forest because these guys claim it is unsafe, but they have the expertise and if I start a forest fire it's going to a) impact a lot more people than just me, and b) cost a hell of a lot more than I could afford to pay back.  These folks are not some overreaching tyrants.  They are professionals doing their job the best they can and I appreciated that so far they have kept some 'sovereign citizen' or whatever from starting a fire and burning down my place.

BTW, I agree that Reid is a clown and a weak-ass loser.  Nobody should be calling anybody a 'terrorist' at this point even though there might be some legitimacy to that claim on both sides.  I hate to admit it, but the one guy who seems to have his act together a bit is Rand Paul who councils to 'tone it down' at this juncture.

Activity: 3038
Merit: 1032
RIP Mommy
Right-wingers have their Bundy ranch militia clowns.

The real clown is the double douche Harry Reid and his idiot son, and not the poor people who were trying to guard their ancestral land from the goons of BLM. What you will do if your land is seized by the government?

"Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me."
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
Right-wingers have their Bundy ranch militia clowns.

The real clown is the double douche Harry Reid and his idiot son, and not the poor people who were trying to guard their ancestral land from the goons of BLM. What you will do if your land is seized by the government?
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
The BLM has no jurisdiction there. The citizens are standing up for their Constitutional rights.

Say it all you like, but the trouble you have is that only a tiny sliver foaming wankers interpret things that way.  Sad.

FWIW, I personally believe that it is generally better that states control most of the non privately owned land within their jurisdictions.  The Feds own to much of Utah as best I can tell.  A handful of kooks camped out at Bundy's place is not the way to change it though.

My state owns most of the land around me and I'm happy with that.  Unfortunately we have kooks on the other side of the equation who have had recent success in halting even reasonable use of the forests and there is a real possibility that the state will give up and sell the forest to private industry (or worse, give it to the Feds.)

 - Right-wingers have their Bundy ranch militia clowns.
 - Environmentalist have their Cascadia Forest Defenders.
 - Christians have their Westboro Baptists.

What can you do?

hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
tvbcof, wtf are you slobbering about?

The BLM has no jurisdiction there. The citizens are standing up for their Constitutional rights.

No go play with your tits and leave the real work for men.

Keep dreaming on your piece-of-shit. You have no idea who I am.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
You've identified the losing side. I guarantee you. A study of history is on my side. Collectivism -> Fascism -> Totalitarianism has repeated throughout the history of mankind.

The trouble is that you and your idiots are simply hastening it along.  None of the dorks camped out with Bundy have a clue about what they are up against.  It would be relatively funny except that they are scaring a vast swath of society right into the central government's waiting arms.  The battle is shaping up such that the 'normals' are going to be played against the criminals and loons like these guys with the central government acting as protection in exchange for the liberty of the population.  All the central govt will have to do is activate some puppet strings now and then (cut some foodstamp funds, promote some new gun law scare, etc, etc.)

Not to be to awfully conspiratorial, but it's a perfectly valid hypothesis that at this point certain branches of the central government are egging things on vis-a-vis the Bundy thing, and again, for social engineering reasons.  In fact, you personally are such an over-the-top bozo in so many ways that I'd not be at all surprised if you are one of the multiple personas managed by the social media manipulation software that the central government bought.  My tax dollars at work Sad

I've got nothing whatsoever against getting into a fight for the right kinds of things, and central government overeach is one of these.  That is one of the things which provoked my interests in Bitcoin in fact.  What I do have a problem with picking a fight when it is obviously premature and counterproductive and can only help the bad guys.

FYI, I know for a fact that some readers are reading my posts ...

Keep dreaming.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

BLM Strikes Again - Seizes Texas Rancher's Land - Without Compensation

The Bureau of Land Management seized 140 acres from Texas Rancher Teddy Henderson. Henderson says the government did not pay him a dime for it. Henderson told Greta Van Susteren he was ordered to continue to make monthly payments on the land, even though he no longer owned it.

hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521

The above two comments are indicative of how Americans don't know their own Constitution, and thus the Constitution is dead.

If you two dumbfucks had any clue, you would understand that from my prior detailed post:

News flash Annoyneymint; nobody reads your bullshit.

Your 5000 dingbats include about 50% provocateurs(*) in a big honeypot designed to ident the tiny few actual nutcases.  This so that TPTB can point to them and scare the bejesus out of 200x10^6 more or less normal people.  Boilerplate social engineering in modern Americana.  I don't like it any better than the next guy, but I can at least identify a winner and a loser, and your looney-toons are going to be the big losers in any conception of the future that you (profess) to have.

Actually, here's what very possibly could happen:  The Feds will enlist your 'patriots' to serve as right-wing death squads.  With free ammo and carte blanche to shoot anything which moves (including women and children) these types will be as happy as a clam.

* I was looking into things a bit and saw that guy bragging about their strategy of putting their women and children in front of the big bad malitia dopes so they would get shot first by the evil Federales.  I mean, it's possible to have no skill at PR, but it's simply not possible to be THIS bad at it!

Crash and burn idiot. You will along with the Titanic you are clinging to.

You've identified the losing side. I guarantee you. A study of history is on my side. Collectivism -> Fascism -> Totalitarianism has repeated throughout the history of mankind. If megadeath and egregious collapse is your idea of normal, then go ahead and reap what you sow.

FYI, I know for a fact that some readers are reading my posts, because they private message me and thank me for it. You can go look at the votes on my threads, and see 33% support what I have to say. You can see from the survey about Global Warming that roughly 25% of the people in the USA are not idiots like you.

P.S. There is civil war coming because we don't agree with you idiots. And we demand to have a place where we can practice private property rights and limited government. And you fools need to have your own large government that kills you. We refuse to be part of your self-inflicted eugenics system.
Activity: 2114
Merit: 1040
A Great Time to Start Something!


After Breitbart Texas reported on the U.S. Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) intent to seize 90,000 acres belonging to Texas landholders along the Texas/Oklahoma line, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott questioned the BLM’s authority to take such action.

“I am about ready,” General Abbott told Breitbart Texas, “to go to go to the Red River and raise a ‘Come and Take It’ flag to tell the feds to stay out of Texas.”
Gen. Abbott sent a strongly-worded letter to BLM Director Neil Kornze, asking for answers to a series of questions related to the potential land grab.

“I am deeply concerned about the notion that the Bureau of Land Management believes the federal government has the authority to swoop in and take land that has been owned and cultivated by Texas landowners for generations,” General Abbott wrote. “The BLM’s newly asserted claims to land along the Red River threaten to upset long-settled private property rights and undermine fundamental principles—including the rule of law—that form the foundation of our democracy. Yet, the BLM has failed to disclose either its full intentions or the legal justification for its proposed actions. Decisions of this magnitude must not be made inside a bureaucratic black box.”

In an exclusive interview with Breitbart Texas, General Abbott said, “This is the latest line of attack by the Obama Administration where it seems like they have a complete disregard for the rule of law in this country ...And now they’ve crossed the line quite literally by coming into the State of Texas and trying to claim Texas land as federal land. And, as the Attorney General of Texas I am not going to allow this.”

Abbott challenged the BLM director directly stating in his letter, “Nearly a century ago, the U.S. Supreme Court determined that the gradient line of the south bank of the Red River—subject to the doctrines of accretion and avulsion—was the boundary between Texas and Oklahoma. Oklahoma v. Texas, 260 U.S. 606 (1923). More recently, in 1994, the BLM stated that the Red River area was “[a] unique situation” and stated that ‘[t]he area itself cannot be defined until action by the U.S. Congress establishes the permanent state boundary between Oklahoma and Texas.’  Further, the BLM determined that one possible scenario was legislation that established the ‘south geologic cut bank as the boundary,’ which could have resulted ‘in up to 90,000 acres’ of newly delineated federal land.  But no such legislation was ever enacted.”

As to what kind of standoff might Texas might be facing with the BLM on this matter, Abbott said, “I think that we should be able to resolve this from a legal standpoint because, I believe, what the BLM is doing clearly violates the law. They don’t have any legal standing whatsoever to do this and that’s why I have issued this letter today.”

In the letter, Gen. Abbott details five issues for the BLM to address:

Please delineate with specificity each of the steps for the RMP/EIS process for property along the Red River.

Please describe the procedural due process the BLM will afford to Texans whose property may be claimed by the federal government.

Please confirm whether the BLM agrees that, from 1923 until the ratification of the Red River Boundary Compact, the boundary between Texas and Oklahoma was the gradient line of the south bank of the Red River.  To the extent the BLM does not agree, please provide legal analysis supporting the BLM’s position.

Please confirm whether the BLM still considers Congress’ ratification of the Red River Boundary Compact as determinative of its interest in land along the Red River? To the extent the BLM does not agree, please provide legal analysis supporting the BLM’s new position.

Please delineate with specificity the amount of Texas territory that would be impacted by the BLM’s decision to claim this private land as the property of the federal government.

“The letter today,” Abbott explained, “is the first shot in the legal process. We expect answers from them and based upon their answers we will decide what legal action to take.”

In an exclusive interview with Breitbart Texas, General Abbott said, “This is the latest line of attack by the Obama Administration where it seems like they have a complete disregard for the rule of law in this country ...And now they’ve crossed the line quite literally by coming into the State of Texas and trying to claim Texas land as federal land. And, as the Attorney General of Texas I am not going to allow this.”

Hooray for States rights.
BLM needs to be stopped from taking over more huge sections of the West.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

The above two comments are indicative of how Americans don't know their own Constitution, and thus the Constitution is dead.

If you two dumbfucks had any clue, you would understand that from my prior detailed post:

News flash Annoyneymint; nobody reads your bullshit.

Your 5000 dingbats include about 50% provocateurs(*) in a big honeypot designed to ident the tiny few actual nutcases.  This so that TPTB can point to them and scare the bejesus out of 200x10^6 more or less normal people.  Boilerplate social engineering in modern Americana.  I don't like it any better than the next guy, but I can at least identify a winner and a loser, and your looney-toons are going to be the big losers in any conception of the future that you (profess) to have.

Actually, here's what very possibly could happen:  The Feds will enlist your 'patriots' to serve as right-wing death squads.  With free ammo and carte blanche to shoot anything which moves (including women and children) these types will be as happy as a clam.

* I was looking into things a bit and saw that guy bragging about their strategy of putting their women and children in front of the big bad malitia dopes so they would get shot first by the evil Federales.  I mean, it's possible to have no skill at PR, but it's simply not possible to be THIS bad at it!

hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
I've not followed the story much, but my first impression is that Bundy should pay his fucking fees like everyone else or adjust his operation to roll with the changing times.  If he is not competitive without mooching off the commons (which, by definition, everyone owns) and causing generally considered unacceptable ecological damage to them then he should either buy land out of his own funds or downsize.

I don't accept that Bundy has some sort of God-given right to the land because his granddaddy used it just as I don't accept that currently respiration  African Americans or Indians (native Americans) have some sort of special claim because their distant ancestor were abused.

He was ready to pay the grazing fees and the applicable taxes. But the BLM prevented the authorities from accepting them.

Wasn't he refusing to pay fees to anyone but Nevada, when they are owed to the BLM? Based on some tinfoil-hat redneck fear of the federal government? The idea that he has any 'right' to the land because his great-granddad grazed there is ridiculous.

Now it seems that he got hundreds of armed thugs to turn up and threaten BLM agents and their families until they backed off, and is now claiming a "civil rights victory". Sad day for democracy and best argument for gun control I ever saw.

The above two comments are indicative of how Americans don't know their own Constitution, and thus the Constitution is dead.

If you two dumbfucks had any clue, you would understand that from my prior detailed post:

...once a territory becomes a state, the Fed must surrender all claims to the land as if it were still just a possession or territory.

If you want to educate yourself, click my link above and learn.

Any way, you two have a lot of idiot brethren:

So where does that leave us? Well the up 5,000 militias are not going to back down (and remember militias are a fundamental right provided for in the Constitution):

The line has been drawn in the sand, and battle over the Constitution will be fought on Bundy's ranch if the Federal government doesn't go away permanently.

So as Armstrong had predicted, the USA headed for civil war, because these idiots who have no clue of the Constitution and the freedom fighters who do understand what is at stake here.

If the idiots win, we end up with a Technocracy top-down Fascist society like China. And here is what is happening in China:

Unfortunately, the idiots who don't understand where this shits leads, are what cause this total chaos.

Be prepared, we are headed into total chaos all over the world, because of the natural failure of collectivism and the idiots who have no clue.

Eastern Europe is heading for a violent “spring of discontent”, according to experts in the region who fear that the global economic downturn is generating a dangerous popular backlash on the streets.

According to the most recent estimates, the economies of some eastern European countries, after posting double-digit growth for nearly a decade, will contract by up to 5% this year, with inflation peaking at more than 13%. Many fear Romania, which joined the European Union with Bulgaria in 2007, may be the next to suffer major breakdowns in public order.

“In a few months there will be people in the streets, that much is certain,” said Luca Niculescu, a media executive in Bucharest.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says “something is going to happen” to get Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy to stop letting his cattle graze on federal land.

“It’s obvious that you can’t just walk away from this. And we can speculate all we want to speculate to what’s going to happen next,” Reid told KSNV-TV. “But I don’t think it’s going to be tomorrow that something is going to happen, but something will happen. We are a nation of laws, not of men and women.”

Reid called militias staying at Bundy’s Bunkerville ranch “domestic violent terrorist-wannabes.”

Sen. Dean Heller, R-Nev., disagreed with Reid, telling KSNV that these militia members are “patriots” and took issue with how the U.S. Bureau of Land Management handled the situation.

“I take more issues with the BLM coming in with a paramilitary army of individuals with snipers. I’m talking to people and groups that are there at the event. Your own government with sniper lenses on you. It made a lot of people very uncomfortable,” Heller told KSNV.

The junior Nevada senator also stated that he wants congressional hearings held about BLM trying to round-up Bundy’s cattle.

“I want to talk about the fact that they have this kind of authority and the ability to bully and to come in with 200 armed men into a situation like this. I would like to have hearings. I want to find out who’s accountable for this,” Bundy told KSNV, adding he wants to find out who “gave the marching orders.”

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001


After Breitbart Texas reported on the U.S. Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) intent to seize 90,000 acres belonging to Texas landholders along the Texas/Oklahoma line, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott questioned the BLM’s authority to take such action.

“I am about ready,” General Abbott told Breitbart Texas, “to go to go to the Red River and raise a ‘Come and Take It’ flag to tell the feds to stay out of Texas.”
Gen. Abbott sent a strongly-worded letter to BLM Director Neil Kornze, asking for answers to a series of questions related to the potential land grab.

“I am deeply concerned about the notion that the Bureau of Land Management believes the federal government has the authority to swoop in and take land that has been owned and cultivated by Texas landowners for generations,” General Abbott wrote. “The BLM’s newly asserted claims to land along the Red River threaten to upset long-settled private property rights and undermine fundamental principles—including the rule of law—that form the foundation of our democracy. Yet, the BLM has failed to disclose either its full intentions or the legal justification for its proposed actions. Decisions of this magnitude must not be made inside a bureaucratic black box.”

In an exclusive interview with Breitbart Texas, General Abbott said, “This is the latest line of attack by the Obama Administration where it seems like they have a complete disregard for the rule of law in this country ...And now they’ve crossed the line quite literally by coming into the State of Texas and trying to claim Texas land as federal land. And, as the Attorney General of Texas I am not going to allow this.”

Abbott challenged the BLM director directly stating in his letter, “Nearly a century ago, the U.S. Supreme Court determined that the gradient line of the south bank of the Red River—subject to the doctrines of accretion and avulsion—was the boundary between Texas and Oklahoma. Oklahoma v. Texas, 260 U.S. 606 (1923). More recently, in 1994, the BLM stated that the Red River area was “[a] unique situation” and stated that ‘[t]he area itself cannot be defined until action by the U.S. Congress establishes the permanent state boundary between Oklahoma and Texas.’  Further, the BLM determined that one possible scenario was legislation that established the ‘south geologic cut bank as the boundary,’ which could have resulted ‘in up to 90,000 acres’ of newly delineated federal land.  But no such legislation was ever enacted.”

As to what kind of standoff might Texas might be facing with the BLM on this matter, Abbott said, “I think that we should be able to resolve this from a legal standpoint because, I believe, what the BLM is doing clearly violates the law. They don’t have any legal standing whatsoever to do this and that’s why I have issued this letter today.”

In the letter, Gen. Abbott details five issues for the BLM to address:

Please delineate with specificity each of the steps for the RMP/EIS process for property along the Red River.

Please describe the procedural due process the BLM will afford to Texans whose property may be claimed by the federal government.

Please confirm whether the BLM agrees that, from 1923 until the ratification of the Red River Boundary Compact, the boundary between Texas and Oklahoma was the gradient line of the south bank of the Red River.  To the extent the BLM does not agree, please provide legal analysis supporting the BLM’s position.

Please confirm whether the BLM still considers Congress’ ratification of the Red River Boundary Compact as determinative of its interest in land along the Red River? To the extent the BLM does not agree, please provide legal analysis supporting the BLM’s new position.

Please delineate with specificity the amount of Texas territory that would be impacted by the BLM’s decision to claim this private land as the property of the federal government.

“The letter today,” Abbott explained, “is the first shot in the legal process. We expect answers from them and based upon their answers we will decide what legal action to take.”
Activity: 2114
Merit: 1040
A Great Time to Start Something!
Fortunately no one was killed on either side, at least not any humans died.
Let's hope it stays that way.
Activity: 84
Merit: 10
PM for journalist,typing,and data entry services.
Wow, seems like FEDs did more damage than repair.... Whooops thats never happened before.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
I was just musing a bit more about this situation.

Just this month I did some logging on MY land...not some land that my grandfather happened to use back in the day (of which there is more than a little around my property.)

I had to pay for a timber harvest plan, and I had to leave tens of thousands of dollars worth of timber in order to maintain the health of a river which runs right through my property.  It never even crossed my mind to be upset about this.  Ecologically the river and the native life forms which live within it are adapted to living in shade, and the run-off is an issue.  My 600 feet or so of disturbance if I were to log down to the river would probably not amount to a hill of beans, but everyone has to play by the same rules in order to preserve the environment in a way which a majority of people (including myself) deem desirable.  That's how life is.

There are vast tracts of state and federally owned land in my area and throughout the West.  This is largely because back in the day nobody wanted them, and freeloading was possible.  There were people back in the day who had more vision and aquired some of the more choice land (including my property which is within a state forest.)  I've paid my taxes over the years, and the county has maintained a gravel road that me and my neighbors use to get to our homes.  Fair deal to me.

Again, without studying things in detail but just going with my understandings of ecology, I'd suggest that the poor quality lands in Nevada had a limited carrying capacity and can support only limited numbers of large ungulates absent special developments such as watering holes and such.  The presence of such support mechanisms could, and I don't doubt, create significant changes to the ecosystem.

However the BLM acquired the land, it is their charter to manage it in a manner they feel appropriate.  Off-hand, I would expect that they may wish to utilize some of it in a manner which preserves the natural ecosystem, and some of it in a way which 'creates jobs' or whatever.  If/when they lease it out, it is fairly appropriated that they define the utilization rates which their scientists consider sustainable or whatever.

My biggest problem with the BLM and like agencies is that they are susceptible to malfeasance and graft.  If they are, say, running off Bundy's cows with the excuse that they wish to protect the desert tortoise then they turn around and sell the land to some mega-corporation, that's where I have a big problem.

Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
A tortoise being crushed to death by the 4x4 belonging to the agents whose mission was to protect it.

Not just a single tortoise. The BLM agents had organized a hunt for Bundy's cattle. In that process they over-ran several tortoise dens, causing massive damage to them and killing hundreds of tortoises.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
This seems absolutely blown out of proportion. So what im hearing is FEDs attacking because old guy let his cows eat some "unauthorize grass" that might endager a tortoise? WTF?

A tortoise being crushed to death by the 4x4 belonging to the agents whose mission was to protect it.
Activity: 84
Merit: 10
PM for journalist,typing,and data entry services.
This seems absolutely blown out of proportion. So what im hearing is FEDs attacking because old guy let his cows eat some "unauthorize grass" that might endager a tortoise? WTF?
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