Trying to use the "old" Armory data directory may cause issues due to changes in the data structure... not sure if it did change much... but it is possible.
Cannot obtain a lock on d:\BTC datadir 96-2 - bitcoin core directory. Bitcoin core is probably already running.
Could that be related to the armory process that has been running after exiting armory?
Personally, if I were you, I would:
1. Download and install the Armory Windows Installer:
2. Start Armory
3. In Armory "File -> Settings..." menu:
- UNTICK the box that says "Let Armory run bitcoind/Bitcoin Core in the background"
- Set the "Bitcoin Home Dir" to be: D:\btc datadir 96-2\
4. Shutdown Armory and then Reboot the computer (this will definitely kill off any "ghost" processes in the background)
5. Start Bitcoin Core GUI manually... make sure it is fully synced before doing the next step
6. Start Armory
If you're still having issues... repost the log files after you have done all of the above.