Please children, stay on topic. You say I am a liar but since day 1 I have backboned this community directly and indirectly.
Lets make the odds 5 to 1. You bet 10 btc and receive 50 btc if you win. Open your eyes children.. watch me crash the market with a 100K short sale. Watch how a professional handles it.
don't you understand? NOBODY BELIEVES YOU! for somebody to believe you, you need to provide proof.
AND NO!!! trying to scare us away, by making huge bets, or wild promises, or threats of legal action, is not proof.
every claim of have made in this forum(including your 10000000000btc in bitcoinica) have you not been willing to proof.
therefor it is safe to assume, that you are unable to proof any of your wild claims, and you are just a shitty bag of lies.
even if you are who you say you are, then i would not respect you. you have treated this community as shit and that is not something i respect.