The question will be when this circle is being broken, since every batch needs to be funded. And every single one is bigger than the last one, yet sells for less (difficulty increase). Thus, very little remains to be issued as dividends, if any. FC may very well decide to keep the income in order to ramp up for gen 4.
I expect mining/franchise dividends will begin to trickle in very soon, which would make the picture rosier while profits are being reinvested
How much do you think is going to be reinvested and how much will be paid out as dividends? According to my approximations, the income form the April batch almost exactly paid for the May batch, which in return paid for the June batch. Which may or may not pay for further batches.
My point is: The income seems to be reinvested completely into further batches.
Plans from April 21st: If we took the pretty big June batch of 80.4 PH/s (at 0.2$/GH/s it'd cost about $16m (2x the revenue of the May batch -
thus it may not even be possible!!!) and forward the complete revenue to the shareholders at a price of $0.5 (probably not achievable in late June) we'd see a dividend of 0.15 BTC/share. And AM was completely out of money then.
More realistically, yet best-caseish: We spend all the money we have $8,7m and produce a June batch of 43.5 PH/s, sell those chips for 0.4$/GH/s and end up with $17.4m. At a BTC price of $700 we end up at
0.062 BTC/share. Again,
AM would be out of money. If we now paid out half of the revenue, and reinvested the other half ($8.7m) we'd see
0.031 BTC/share. The newly funded batch would likely sell for a lot less and we may see an additional, say 0.025 BTC/share.
Since the difficulty is ever-increasing and the competition is ramping up as well, this can't go on forever and at some point it becomes unfeasible to continue. We also may see an increased BTC price. That being said,
it seems pretty difficult to achieve anything exceeding or even approaching 0.1 BTC/share now
for all of gen 3. Yet, gen 4 needs funding money as well (most likely significantly more than gen 3)
Please do your own research, though - this is no trading advice. I may be wrong or significantly off. Please feel free to rectify those calculations. When it comes to divs, they're giving me an headache, though.