OK. but the production costs of pretty much all technologies reduces over time as improvements in manufacturing technologies and competition increases. This is pretty standard in nearly all tech related industries.
I understand what your saying, but there should be at least a 5% drop in costs minimum over three months, and given production of this size, I would have thought it would be beneficial to fabricate allot closer to delivery times.
But at the same time, my experience comes from manufacturing technologies in general, this is my first foray into chip manufacturing. Are you certain? It just doesn't mix well with what I know about the manufacturing industry, especially in the digital space.
Thanks for your critique.
I'm not an expert in IC design or similar as well, but even if we saw a 50% decrease over 3 months, we'd still see a 500% increase in mining difficulty. Even if the production cost goes down significantly, it still can't 'outrun' the difficulty increase at all. I believe FC knows best and plans accordingly