Based on this post, the ASICMiner Gen3 chips are around 1W/GH, which is nothing special. The pricing is barely competitive with current Bitmain and Spondoolies-Tech offerings. If this is what current shareholders were banking on to lift the share price, I think you better take off the rose colored glasses and think again.
Like I said before, I'm hardware agnostic, and am running Knc, Bitmain, and Coincraft units right now. I'm very underwhelmed by the current ASICMiner Gen3 offering and feel much better about loading up on Bitmain and Spondoolies-Tech offerings after seeing this!
So $1.4/gh is "barely competitive" against $2.3/gh? (sp10/S2)
Be honest, are you really going to buy another S2/sp10 after seeing this pricing? Even the dirt cheap A1 machines look expensive now.