The prices were quoted when delivery was predicted for end of Mar. The only thing counteracting the delay is competition equally having issues making deadlines. Regardless IMHO it's time to clarify the sale to rockminer as it does open the question of preferential pricing and how that may affect sales to the broader market. One would hope that rockminer isn't the main benefactor of AM's ASIC contribution in this venture and that AM's interests and that of it's shareholders are protected.
One would certainly hope Asicminer's investors are protected. I'm sure rockxie as a board member and thus holder of 5000+ AM shares also wants his shares to pay good dividends, too.
I would certainly be up for more clarification/info on the sale, or on Asicminer's business in general, but obviously communication has been very limited for a long time now so I wouldn't expect much, which is why I was just throwing some numbers out to see if $0.49-$0.99 / GH seems like a reasonable price. Given current rates of difficulty growth, I think an ASIC reseller that buys chips and makes miners would already have a hard time making much profit if they are buying chips at $1/GH in April, so I don't think friedcat's prices are out of line.
Every 1 GH turned on today will only ever make like $3-4 total. A manufacturer has to buy chips, PCBs, boxes, pay employees, etc, and still make a bit of profit too. If they are buying chips at $1/GH, and have $2/GH of other costs, that leaves like $0-1/GH of profit, pretty reasonable if you ask me.