Your crystal ball is definitely broken judging by my 7 years going on and forth in hospitals with two major operations on my corneas for both eyes. But you know, You know more obviously about everything.
Fair enough, I should have said "Your problem isn't visual impairment, it's ignorance of literary criticism and rhetoric" instead.
But yes, I do obviously know more about everything. That's because (and why) I've been here a lot longer than you have.
You obviously understand economics better than dhenson. Aren't you sick of him and others bleating on about 'ZOMG I have made a subjective personal decision not to buy AM hardware; therefore it is overpriced in some kind of absolute, objective way and all who disagree are throwing wasted money at Friedcat?'
ADDED: aaah sorry for being so slow and retarded you wanted to do your "close reading" thing on what I posted. I am sorry I don't do metaphors and being rhetoric when I want to express an exact piece of information like, "I think you are an utter idiot".
"Metaphors?" Who said anything about "metaphors?" Not I. Are you under the impression that close readings have something to do with them? Looking for metaphors is one part of close reading, but I didn't explicate any from dhenson's uninformed utterances.
I can help you overcome your self-pity and visual impairment if you wish to learn more about linguistic analysis. But if you are determined to remain proudly ignorant on the subject, you are beyond the scope of teachability. Do you really want to be a perma-noob?