How do you complain about avarice when you have an ASIC, Asicminer shares, and a huge stash of LTC and PPC?
Simple. I ordered my ASIC out of greed nearly a year ago. Running the numbers and salivating just like everyone else. In the intervening period, seeing what's happened and extrapolating what will happen I think it's clear Asics are a net-negative to the currency. Sure, the network has many more hashes than it had a year ago. But that's not what's important. What it's starting to lack, and what will never come back, is the excitement that everyone had about bitcoin when it was something that everyone could participate in, to varying extents.
Put another way, bitcoin would be stronger, more valuable to everyone with 1/10 the network hashing power but 100x the miners, than this consolidation we have now. When the only investment required was a graphics card that many people already had, they participated and were excited about it. When the network devolves to exclude them, when its left with a few pillars of power (asicminer, a hand full of Avalon owners and a handful of mini rig owners), all of which require significant investment, the outside world will shrug their shoulders amd look on. As a consumer, for instance, I know that I have not been clamouring for an e-currency with irreversible transactions to send to vendors who may or may not be cooperative if there's an issue with their product. And I certainly don't wish for the means for my friends to send me money at no charge, only for myself to have to be hit with a wire fee if I need that money as cash. Especially not when they could just hand me cash or a check.
I very much doubt many other consumers wish for that either. But when they can at least participate, they then get excited about it and talk up those features. Don't believe me, that's fine. But that's my stance. In the meantime, I'll continue on in my hashing, knowing or feeling like this is a dead end.
This is exactly what I feared when the BFL disaster began.
A fool gets conned by a group of smooth talking hucksters and pays for a golden goose laying ASIC device. There is plenty of evidence that the hucksters have no idea how to build such a device, but greed parts the fool and his money. Enough fools throw money at the hucksters that some real players take note and start developing their own devices. The hucksters promise '2 weeks' every few days, and that keeps the fool dreaming of sugar plums rather than investing in alternatives.
When the real players deliver and the hucksters still can get their shoes tied, the fool's dreams of sugar plums fade slowly. Eventually difficulty rises so much that the fool realizes gifting his money to hucksters was a huge error, and he starts counting all he he lost by trusting the hucksters.
Who does the fool blame? Not himself, not the hucksters, he blames Bitcoin!