Original premine
Status: 0/unconfirmed, broadcast through 3 nodes
Date: 4/7/2015 05:52
To: AeFcNaGMbMs2arG9o4tvCgtQmMAYFyr4tH
Debit: -327963.255 ASN
Transaction fee: -0.0007 ASN
Net amount: -327963.2557 ASN
Transaction ID: 428094cab26f14c155d20dd0d2522c551023ab0acc81159ec058587ad84859ab
New premine adress balance is 4,166.24293421 ASN
Sended to new adress and split https://chainz.cryptoid.info/asn/address.dws?AHerhZuCY5hSa7TLggSYFvtSJokFJkiVnK.htm
To me,this coin is dead and new dev is liar. have no idea how much money he made of it,not a lot...
Actually i think there's no new dev. The old and the new one are the same person with the same shit