Atheist always want us to believe that our countries are doing so much better now that people are getting less religious!
But all that i see is:
-more depression and less simple happiness
-more organised crime (done by our governments)
-more rudeness
-more stress
What is your idea on this?
The exact opposite is true...
Atheist countries have the least crime, and the happiest people
Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Canada, Switzerland, Australia, etc... predominantly atheist countries top this list, and all the countries at the bottom are highly religious Norway (atheist)
2: Denmark (atheist)
3: Iceland (atheist)
4: Switzerland (atheist)
5: Finland (atheist)
6: Netherlands (atheist)
7: Canada (atheist)
8: New Zealand (atheist/christian)
9: Australia (atheist/christian)
10: Sweden (atheist)
11: Israel (jewish/atheist)
14: United States (christian)
25: Mexico (christian)
37: Saudi Arabia (muslim)
151: Rwanda (christian)
152: Syria (muslim)
153: Tanzania (christian)
154: Burundi (christian)
155: Central African Republic (christian)
Your data is pretty interesting but I don't i think it is very true.
I did an Internet search on some of the successful countries on your list, most still identifies as Christians...
The claim that developed Western countries are full of atheists is myth.
Blame Bigotry for bad behaviors not Religion.
You did not conduct such research properly, if at all...
Every country that I listed as primarily atheist has a strong majority of self-identifying atheists living in that country. If there is no religion with a clear majority, I list the religion with plurality first, and the secondary religion second.
If I am wrong, please list the country you disagree with, and the percent you think each religion has in that specific country, and I will update the post if you are correct (which you won't be because I've already checked every country I listed)
Example: to 2016 data from annual social-cultural study Norwegian Monitor (Norsk Monitor), 39 percent of Norvegians responded with "No" to the question to the question “Do you believe in God?”, while 37 percent said "Yes" and 27 percent said that they did not know.
I lump agnostics with atheists... because, they are "soft-atheists" (I similarly lump protestants, catholics, mormons, etc into "christian", so fair is fair)... so with Norway, we have 39% atheist + 27% agnostic = 66% atheist... 37% religious (mostly christian)... If you don't answer "yes" to the question, "do you believe in God?", you are an atheist
As a result of 66% vs 37% is predominantly one-sided, I label Norway as Atheist...
Israel however, is closer to 50%/50%, so I put (Jewish/Atheist) because it is more accurate/honest that way (half of Jewish adherents do not believe in God, which is different from christians/muslims, ref. "A 2011 study found that half of all American Jews have doubts about the existence of God, compared to 10–15% of other American religious groups")
Also note: This is not "my data"... this is an independent international report based on numerous variables that has been conducted for years. I simply added the predominant religion of each country in parenthesis (), using the most recent data/polling I could find (2016-2017)