710 Watt is measured at the wall (plug/input). PSU has about 80% efficiency which means that 4 Modules will consume about 757W (710*0.8/3*4) at OUTPUT. PSU is rated what it can supply in OUTPUT not what it consumes in input. If you measure 4 modules at Input (plug) you will see that they will consume about 757 +0.2*757 = 908W
So once again 850W rated PSU is fine
Just to be on safe side check what is max Amparage that 12V rail can provide. It has to be greater than 757/12=63Amps. Most modern PSU's will do that. Having 1000W psu with weak 12V rail < 63AMPS (just an example) will cause magic smoke to come out
In short watch PSU Output Wats + !!!!!12v Rail AMPS!!!!!
The AX860 is a 80+ platinum rated psu what means it has an efficiency of over 90% (94% @50% load and still 91% on 100% load) @ 230V
(115V is a little worse) check it out:
So the estamined 950 @wall will be about 860 Watt output and thats exactly the limit
I think Corsair is a good psu so it might have some reserve BUT I wont run a psu 24/7 at its limit!
When I calculate the output 710*0.92 = 653 output /3*4 I'll get 870 Watt with 4 modules
maybe it would work for a while but its very risky
or will you loshia give a guarantee for your YES promise???