I woke up to mine in that non hashing mode again.
Hows the task working for you? What does the ...\.. mean?
what we need to add is this
*/5 * * * * cgminer-api devs | grep "MHS 5s] => ....\.." && /sbin/reboot
ok the ....\.. bit means that we are looking for a hashing speed less than 10000 mhz and if it finds it
it will reboot the miner and this will clear the cache issue.
i have also added
*/5 * * * * cat /proc/loadavg | grep "2.\." && /sbin/reboot
this will check the CPU load every 5 mins and if it finds that the cpu load is high then it will reboot the miner
I have 4 miners with this setup and they have all been working all day (i'm in the UK)
i would have normally had to reboot them twice today.
I'm not saying that this has fixed the issue but its a dam good start at a workaround.
Let me know how you get on with this.
(don't forget this only adds 2 checks in your scheduled tasks and nothing else
if you find this has not worked for you let me know.
I'm trying to understand how ...\.. = 10000 mhz I tried a google search and nothing.
What do you mean by this? (don't forget this only adds 2 checks in your scheduled tasks and nothing else
jddebug (linux newbie)
ok when you use 'grep' to find something in a file you can use wildcards
i am using ....\.. to look for any number thats less than 10000 that has a decimal point
9959.01 = match (reboot the miner)
10110.11 = no match (do nothing)
hope that makes a bit more sense
'What do you mean by this? (don't forget this only adds 2 checks in your scheduled tasks and nothing else'
ok i am just telling everyone that we are adding 2 check's into the system.
some times people will get you to add things to your miner that could cause you issues.