There is probably a backdoor in the firmware. An attacker can change the custom root password (no, it's not root in my case, it's a complex one) or there is a manufacturer password. Stay behind your firewall and do not open any ports to the outside.
Furthermore, the current firmware file 2024032701_110811(Download at Canaan offical) does not make any visible changes and worse, does not change the firmware version in the API or the web backend.
http:///get_home.cgiAPI data can be accessed without a password. For example, the Wifi SSID, the mining address, firmware, temperature, pool and so on.
My pool address changed several times. Always directed to with changing receiving addresses, but with my own worker name (after the .)
Be careful.
However, one thing is quite funny: the hacker or bot relies on solo mining. Not a good source of income.