Hello Patrike, it has been a great effort lately with new functions and you have also dedicated a lot of time to the Asic, it seems fine.
I bring back two old requests of mine, to see if I can explain them well
In the Miner's statistics, we see the coins, the pool, we see if a coin or some auto exchange has been mined for example 50% of the time. That seems fine to me, but I'm still missing data. How many times did that RIG change auto profit, both in total for the day, and for each currency or Al-go. If I detect that a coin is 20% mined and has 50 auto profit changes, surely I am not interested, or I have to change my settings, or even detect if an al-go falls too much, although for that we also have notifications . The truth is that data for each currency, for each al-go or pool, would be very good to know. Especially when you have many rigs and have references from other machines, or if you see that for a currency that has occupied 5% of the mining has changed many times, it would be a volatile currency. For me it is essential that data in the statistics of the rig. I've been telling you for a long time.
Another function that I also requested and that I still need is the function of coloring coins or having something that changes color. why? I can put in Green those that I use or are well, I can put in Red those that are monopolized by auto exchanges and I am not worth entering. I can put in yellow those that do not have exchange, I can put in orange those that have a problem etc ... And just by looking at the list of coins quickly see which one may interest me to check or if it is new to review it, or if I had no exchange check it, or if it is monopolized by Auto exchanges do not look at it anymore but sometimes, one does not remember and check again and again the same currency over the weeks.
They are easy customizations and I think it would give even more useful to the list of COins, and knowing the number of times it changes for Currency, Al-go etc ... It is also essential to evaluate whether that currency serves me or not.
it is not necessary that the entire row of the coin and its information is colored, it can be a simple square of color next to the name or something similar, which will not affect the texts and their visibility
Thanks for the feedback and additional details.
I do have a note about your requests and I agree that both would make sense. The coloring of coins should be quite fast to implement for example, so I will consider that one for the near future.