Starting Mining Software
Setting up Miner Engine. Instance: 1
Engine Type: CcMiner, Auto Download: True, EnginePath: , Subtype: Disabled, CustomExecutable:
Added rule for: C:\Users\ShuhDonk\AppData\Roaming\AwesomeMinerService\ccminer-2.2.4_1\ccminer-x64-2.2.4-cuda9\ccminer-x64.exe
C:\Users\ShuhDonk\AppData\Roaming\AwesomeMinerService\ccminer-2.2.4_1\ccminer-x64-2.2.4-cuda9\ccminer-x64.exe -a lyra2v2 -o -u shuhdonk.1080TIs -p x -b (WindowMode: ConsoleFormat, EngineType: CcMiner, IsProfitMiner: True)
Mining Engine Process started, PID: 1412
> *** ccminer 2.2.4 for nVidia GPUs by tpruvot@github ***
> Built with VC++ 2013 and nVidia CUDA SDK 9.0 64-bits
> Originally based on Christian Buchner and Christian H. project
> Include some kernels from alexis78, djm34, djEzo, tsiv and krnlx.
> BTC donation address: 1AJdfCpLWPNoAMDfHF1wD5y8VgKSSTHxPo (tpruvot)
> [2018-02-22 06:41:10] NVML GPU monitoring enabled.[0m
> [2018-02-22 06:41:10] NVAPI GPU monitoring enabled.[0m
> [2018-02-22 06:41:10] 7 miner threads started, using 'lyra2v2' algorithm.[0m
> [2018-02-22 06:41:10][31m HTTP request failed: Empty reply from server[0m
> [2018-02-22 06:41:10][31m get_work failed, retry after 30 seconds[0m
> [2018-02-22 06:41:11] API open to the network in read-only mode on port 4028[0m
Stopping miner process ...
Stopping Mining Software
Hey all, I just purchased awesome miner and having an issue with ccminer. I get this when it launches. Ideas what is wrong? thanks all
Make sure you have the latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio installed. I made that mistake too.