to start, i've tried looking this up over the last few days and have tried various things
i'm missing something somewhere and need fresh eyes on this. i am sure i am missing something right in front of me... .on that note
Claymore v11 in AM.... no matter what i do i can not get it to dual mine.
running from a .bat file i can get it dual mining no problem (in both cases pointed at miningpoolhub)
even have the miner in both cases ignoring the 1 1030 in the system, other cards are 3 1050ti's and 2 1060 3g
both single and dual get me 79+ Mh and when dual 2nd coin (sia in this case) getting 796Mh
I've tried configuring claymore in AM, click and picked every box for the 2nd coins.. .even tried cut/paste my /bat cmd file into the cmd line in AM
the only thing that takes is the -di 01235 for the cards.
i'm at a loss at getting it to dual mine, the miner is a profit switcher and has no problem in that respects. even got the newest excavator up and running in AM
but this one has me drawing a blank
so after looking at it more... in AM claymores will always start with -mode 1
no matter what i try i can not get to to start with -mode 0 even after cmd line entry, playing with the the extra boxes for the 2ndary coins, and again cut/paste my bat file into the cmd line box...
works fine via bat file but not in AM =/
You might have done all the basic troubleshooting but let's go through some of the things and see if any might've helped.
1. Make sure you have the dual algo pools enabled in Online Services, NiceHash, MPH or the Yiimp ones even.
2. Were you able to benchmark the EthOnly as well as Dual Mining?
3. Are there any hashrate entries for the dual algos under dual section?
4. When mining started, Does the Right Click Miner -> Details show that any of the dual mode were considered as most profitable such it tries to mine those? Also, you can see the command being launched through this window, is it parsing the correct command?
5. Where were you entering user-defined command line parameters? there are several places you can put those in, one in Miner properties, one in Profit Profiles at least, there are also claymore related commands that it is limited to a few supported parameters like ESM for example.
6. If the detailed section shows it's parsing the correct command, then what happens when you RightClick Miner -> Diagnostics? did the output seem normal as expected?