1. only use MPH, when i run claymore alone it dual mines, when i run from inside AM it will only mine ETH only -mode 1
2. no problem benchmarking ETH only as well as dual mining
3. blake 2b 4.67Gh (dual 790Mh) ETH 79.Mh (dual 71Mh) sha-3 2.16Gh (dual 716Mh)
4.from details for ETH - MPH-ETH $6.66 $6.12 (incl sha-3 $0.13) (incl blake 2b $0.05) also shows incl dcred,lbry,pascal,blake 2s... however everything with a 2nd coin is grayed out, only the ETH only line is in black text
5. have tried to cut/paste my working dual mining cmd line in miner properties, profit profile and in the claymore specific cmd line options boxes. have also done this with claymore as the only active miner in AM.
6. using the diag. and playing with every setting i can or just running the miner in AM give the same results... ETH only mining with the following output
By the look of it, Eth is the most profitable by a big margin compare to dual mining and that's why it's choosing Eth only as opposed to dual mining. That is because the dual rate recorded (71MH/s) uses the last dual rate and with Keccak (SHA-3), you have to have a lot lower DCRI without affecting Eth hashrate (in my own case).
So while your Eth dual hashrate with sia might be just around 79 MH/s, AM recorded the dual Hashrate with it's last benchmarked result with SHA-3, and at default DCRI 30, you are getting a lowered final result thus profitability shows you are not getting anywhere as profitable with any dual mining enabled vs eth-Only mining.
To make sure Dual mining works first, you can manually inflate the dual Eth hashrate in profit profile to anything > Eth only rate. update the online services and let AM recalc the profitability for say, 30s before you start the miner and see if Dual Mining kicks in.
Once you have dual mining working, you can do the same by inflating artificially (manually) the dual rates of the dual algos so they get mining, play with the dual intensity settings while claymore is running (using the +/- key) and find your optimal. once you got that recorded down, it's time to make a device profile that only change the DCRI (secondary intensity) value in Options-> Device profiles.
save the device profiles separately on the algos that uses different dcri, and you can now specify the dual profile to use under Profit Profile -> Claymore Dual Eth (Configure) and 6 checkboxes in the dialog
Finally, don't forget to re-enter manually the actual dual hashrates for all algos you may have altered during this optimization process.
(Of course you can just run all algos on bat manually and work out the most optimal dcri that way, but I find it easiest and quickest to manipulate the hashrate in profit profile directly)
Hope it helps