I have determined how to upload custom mining software however is there a way I can add the mining software as an entirely new entry is the list under profit profile properties?
Also, can I set miner specific entries like, -i 25,for certain algorithms (or possibly custom pools) and not for the entire miner software? I have noticed I can tune some algorithms up a bit more but then it causes crashing on others.
It is really needed to have the possibility to add specific intensity values for each algo.
ccminer's default intensity is much less tan your GPU can handle. I tested with increasing intensity until crashing the miner and you can get 30% more has rate and more money for a part of the algos and AM really needs to have custom settings like it was requested in the past for each algo and not only for the miner like it is implemented right now.
I believe it would be better to show income statistics based on submitted (and also accepted shares) , instead AM not remains without any refresh to the last hash rate that was submitted by ccminer even hours ago.
If AM waits for hours for an updated hashrate from ccminer that it has connection issues or it is not responding, and does not take time into consideration, it is not the correct behavior.
AM should have a timer that checks every x seconds the reported hashrate from the miner's API, with one minute delay when miner is started to allow all GPUs to be started and send hash rates. Like this if one pool / algo server is offline, it will change to the next most profitable algo from the list. RIGHT ?