Right click the miner and select Diagnostics. It will show you the exact command that AM issued the mining software and there may be an error message that gives you a clue as to what was configured wrong. You can also paste it here if you are stuck, and we can take a look at it.
this is what i got from diagnostics:
Starting Diagnostics. Awesome Miner version: 4.3.1
Starting Mining Software
Setting up Miner Engine. Instance: 1
Engine Type: CcAlexisMiner, Auto Download: True, EnginePath: , Subtype: Disabled, CustomExecutable:
Added rule for: C:\Users\Kfadrat\AppData\Local\AwesomeMiner\ccminer-alexis_1\ccminer alexis-1.0 windows\ccminer.exe
C:\Users\Kfadrat\AppData\Local\AwesomeMiner\ccminer-alexis_1\ccminer alexis-1.0 windows\ccminer.exe -a sia -o stratum+tcp://sia.usa.nicehash.com:3360 -u 3HiMNDeFjpo63nd6kim3V7Jyfe6tgEKNqy -p x -b (WindowMode: ConsoleFormat, EngineType: CcAlexisMiner, IsProfitMiner: True)
> *** ccminer alexis-1.0 for nVidia GPUs from alexis78@github ***
> *** Built with VC++ 2013 and nVidia CUDA SDK 7.5 (Recommended)
> *** Based on tpruvot@github ccminer
> *** Originally based on Christian Buchner and Christian H. project
> *** Include some of the work of djm34, sp, tsiv and klausT.
> [2018-01-05 21:51:26][36m Starting on stratum+tcp://sia.usa.nicehash.com:3360[0m
> [2018-01-05 21:51:26] NVML GPU monitoring enabled.[0m
> [2018-01-05 21:51:26] 1 miner thread started, using 'sia' algorithm.[0m
Mining Engine Process started, PID: 4544
> [2018-01-05 21:51:27][31m Stratum notify: invalid parameters[0m
Stopping miner process ...
Stopping Mining Software
Diagnostics completed
i get something similiar from miningpoolhub, but i see it's only on sia algo:
Starting Diagnostics. Awesome Miner version: 4.3.1
Starting Mining Software
Setting up Miner Engine. Instance: 1
Engine Type: CcAlexisMiner, Auto Download: True, EnginePath: , Subtype: Disabled, CustomExecutable:
Added rule for: C:\Users\Kfadrat\AppData\Local\AwesomeMiner\ccminer-alexis_1\ccminer alexis-1.0 windows\ccminer.exe
C:\Users\Kfadrat\AppData\Local\AwesomeMiner\ccminer-alexis_1\ccminer alexis-1.0 windows\ccminer.exe -a sia -o stratum+tcp://hub.miningpoolhub.com:17022 -u kfadrat.kfadrat -p x -b (WindowMode: ConsoleFormat, EngineType: CcAlexisMiner, IsProfitMiner: True)
> *** ccminer alexis-1.0 for nVidia GPUs from alexis78@github ***
> *** Built with VC++ 2013 and nVidia CUDA SDK 7.5 (Recommended)
> *** Based on tpruvot@github ccminer
> *** Originally based on Christian Buchner and Christian H. project
> *** Include some of the work of djm34, sp, tsiv and klausT.
> [2018-01-06 09:30:48][36m Starting on stratum+tcp://hub.miningpoolhub.com:17022[0m
> [2018-01-06 09:30:48] NVML GPU monitoring enabled.[0m
> [2018-01-06 09:30:48] 1 miner thread started, using 'sia' algorithm.[0m
Mining Engine Process started, PID: 9400
> [2018-01-06 09:30:49][33m Stratum extranonce answer id was not correct![0m
Stopping miner process ...
Stopping Mining Software
Diagnostics completed