@patrike is there a way to add another pool to profit switch list?
I wanted to add prohashing.com to managed profit switching list but unable to do so... only zpool and nicehash is there
Yes. In Options dialog, Profit switching section, you can add a custom pool. This can either be a single pool you have defined, or a pool group if you want to add many. You need to define this pool yourself first (Options dialog, Pools section).
I have done that, but where to add API for that pool to ensure it utilizes profitability just like zpool and nicehash does.
Patrike may be able to correct me if im wrong, but from my understanding and experience it seems that profit switching is not based on the api settings under online services list, it seems to profit switch based on the "coin" tab list... which is not dependent on any specific pool, it uses a calculation between your hashrate and the exchange rate price and difficulty to determine the profitability list. So having multiples of the same coin on different pools may be pointless...
I have used the profit switching part of the AM very little and when i did it seemed to switch based on which is list # 1 coin under coin tab regardless whats listed on online services....
That is odd, because Nicehash isn't mining specific coin, and they aren't showing what coin they are mining, zpool does, but zpool profitability is available through API.
i have tried both pools and kept watching profitability, miners were jumping from one pool to another as soon as profitability increased.
Awesome Miner is looking at both the Online multi-pool services (Nicehash, zpool, MPH) and the individual coins (WhatToMine) to figure out the profitability.
For the services like Nicehash, Awesome Miner has no idea of which coin is used, which is why the Nicehash profit API is used to get this information. Similar for zpool and MPH. All this information is displayed on the Online services tab in Awesome Miner.
For specific coins WhatToMine is used as the source for profitability information. This information is displayed on the Coins tab in Awesome Miner. You can also define your own custom coins (Options dialog, Coins&Profit section), but then you need to enter coin information manually. In the Statistics section it's possible to add additional coins listed on WhatToMine but not on their main page, but all coins are not found there.
The profit switcher requires profit information in order to know which pool to use, so it can look at both the information on the Online Services and Coins tabs in order to make decisions. What it actually uses is defined on this page:
If you select Nicehash only, Awesome Miner will do profit switching on the Nicehash pools only. WhatToMine will not be used for anything.
If you select Nicehash and zpool, Awesome Miner will do profit switch on the Nicehash and zpools, but still not use WhatToMine for anything.
If you select to add a Custom pool as well, then Awesome Miner needs to know the profitability of this pool. So it uses the coin you defined for the pool to look at WhatToMine. It will also look at your own custom coins. It needs to find the profit information somewhere, otherwise it will be considered unknown (zero).
To add multiple custom pools to the profit switcher, define a Pool Group containing all the pools you want Awesome Miner to do profit switching on.
is there a way to add online multi-pool service like Prohashing.com it's just like zpool and has API's of profitability.