
Topic: Baltimore burns. Why? - page 3. (Read 5737 times)

sr. member
Activity: 429
Merit: 250
Pythagoras and Plato are my brothers.
May 03, 2015, 09:00:41 PM
It burns because of dirty racist cops and because the people who live there need to get their voice out so then burn down the city and now the whole world is listening.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
May 02, 2015, 10:32:30 PM
Curfew remains in place in Baltimore even as charges defuse tensions

BALTIMORE — After an unprecedented week of upheaval, thousands in this beleaguered city came out once again Saturday, this time hoping that the end of chaos would mark the beginning of real change.

The crowd gathered at City Hall on a gorgeous spring day may have been smaller than the 5,000 predicted when the rally was planned, but it was decidedly upbeat.

Protesters who had grown hoarse calling for police to be held accountable in the death of Freddie Gray seemed almost disoriented by getting their wish. Some toggled between euphoria and skepticism. Others tried to keep the pressure on, saying that only a conviction would equal justice.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
May 02, 2015, 08:58:44 PM
GoFundMe For Freddie Gray Officers Removed After 41 Minutes

The Baltimore City Fraternal Order of Police created a GoFundMe page for the six officers who were charged Friday in the death of Freddie Gray—but it lasted for less than an hour before being removed from the site.

The Fraternal Order of Police, a union representing Baltimore City police officers, set a fundraising goal of $600,000 to pay for the living expenses of the six officers, who were placed on unpaid suspension after they were charged in Gray’s death. In 41 minutes, the page raised $1,135.

It’s unclear whether GoFundMe deleted the fundraiser set up for the six officers, but the FOP posted on its Facebook page, “Apparently our GoFundMe account has been suspended with no explanation. We are working to find a new site for donations. Thank you!”


They should get themselves a bitcoin wallet and then ask for people to get coins and hook them up. That would be a nice little boost in demand and marketing for us at the same time. The diehard police lovers, who are probably middle aged and older and white, could use a little homework assignment.
Activity: 1218
Merit: 1015
May 02, 2015, 08:57:35 PM
There's really no segment of society worse at writing, editing, and analyzing news than the media. It's amazing.

Headline: Woman shot dead after trying to ram security barrier at White House

The woman is revealed to be Miriam Carey in the opening statement. Later, they point out there was a baby in the vehicle who was "in 'good condition.'" There are no other people named Carey indicated as relevant by the story.

Closing paragraph: Both Carey and the police office were taken to the MedStar Washington Hospital Center. A spokesman would not comment on their conditions.

This isn't isolated - it's a systemic problem in our society! I'm convinced I could take this post to any journalist and have <20% identify why this is fucked up. -But I guess just communicating the event at all is better than having it competently communicated. Truly infuriating story... thank you for posting. Angry

See also:
<20% of newspaper/"webpaper" editorial staff will notice the bold/italicized text is fucked up.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
May 02, 2015, 08:48:48 PM

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke (D) declared the charges brought against six police officers in the death of Freddie Gray “George Zimmerman and the Duke Lacrosse case all over again” and said “these cops are political prisoners,” offered up as human sacrifices, thrown like red meat to an angry mob” on Friday’s “Your World with Neil Cavuto” on the Fox News Channel.

Clarke said of the charges, “it’s a miscarriage of justice. This neophyte prosecutor stood up there and made a political statement, Neil, and I say that because she’s chanting or voicing some of the chants from this angry mob. Her job is to tune that out. She said, I hear the voices. She’s not supposed to hear anything as she reviews this case that is not consistent with the rule of law and our system of justice. Look, I’m an experienced and a veteran homicide detective. I’ve had — I’ve participated in charging conferences. There is no way I have ever gotten a criminal charge within 24 hours after taking over all the reports and evidence to a prosecutor. A prosecutor who is thorough needs several days to sift through hundreds of pages of reports. They usually want to interview some of the witnesses themselves, in person, and they have to sift through all of the evidence, piece by piece, and they have to wait for some of the forensics evidence to conclude, to come back and that’s why I say on a minimum, three to four days. She just got this case yesterday. This is political activism. She’ll never prove this beyond a reasonable doubt, and I’m not going to silently stand by and watch my brother officers, offered up as human sacrifices, thrown like red meat to an angry mob, just to appease this angry mob.” And that “she rushed this thing through.”

Activity: 1789
Merit: 2535
Goonies never say die.
May 01, 2015, 10:36:38 PM
In light of further revealed evidence in the investigation, I'm disgusted by the cops actions and believe they should be charged, as they have been. This still doesn't justify the rioting, this evidence would have come out whether a riot happened or not... it wasn't worth the self-inflicted damage to the community done.

Also, I hope nobody makes this about race. It is a problem between what the law currently sees as criminals, and police. There were 3 white cops, and 3 black cops. My mind is a little boggled right now because I really am surprised 6 cops could participate in something like this.... reminds me again of the stanford experiment. Its a sad day in humanity to see someone disrespect another life like this. Freddie Gray was not a saint, and I personally would classify him as a criminal based on his history, but he certainly didn't deserve to die, and in such a cruel fashion.

Baltimore has been on the verge of adopting body cams for all police, which I guess is a step in the right direction. Surveillance inside of police wagons would also be a good step after this BS... RIP Freddie.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
May 01, 2015, 07:43:58 PM
Want to fix Baltimore? ‘End the drug war,’ says David Simon

No, The Wire does not explain what's happening in Baltimore this week, as my colleague Alyssa Rosenberg wrote yesterday. Still, the show's creator and former Baltimore Sun reporter David Simon knows a lot more about the city than most of us. And in a wide-ranging and riveting interview with The Marshall Project today, he offers an unequivocal assessment of how to turn things around in that city today.

"So do you see how this ends or how it begins to turn around?" Bill Keller asks him.

"We end the drug war," Simon says. "I know I sound like a broken record, but we end the [expletive] drug war. The drug war gives everybody permission to do anything. It gives cops permission to stop anybody, to go in anyone’s pockets, to manufacture any lie when they get to district court... Medicalize the problem, decriminalize [it] — I don't need drugs to be declared legal, but if a Baltimore State’s Attorney told all his assistant state’s attorneys today, from this moment on, we are not signing overtime slips for court pay for possession, for simple loitering in a drug-free zone... then all at once, the standards for what constitutes a worthy arrest in Baltimore would significantly improve."

Simon traces the arrest and death of Freddie Gray to a police culture that's long since abandoned any pretense of probable cause when it comes to stopping and arresting young black men in the city. "The drug war — which Baltimore waged as aggressively as any American city — was transforming in terms of police/community relations, in terms of trust, particularly between the black community and the police department," he says. "Probable cause was destroyed by the drug war."

In the growing concern over drug use in the 1980s and 1990s, political leaders -- in Baltimore and in cities all over the country -- began throwing people in jail on flimsy suspicions, Simon argues. "Too many officers who came up in a culture that taught them not the hard job of policing, but simply how to roam the city, jack everyone up, and call for the wagon."

hero member
Activity: 602
Merit: 500
hyperboria - next internet
May 01, 2015, 03:24:33 AM
In Oct 2013 a young woman with a child bumped a concrete divider near a D.C. attraction.
The police got excited.
She panicked and tried to flee.
The police filled her car with bullets.
When they finally stopped shooting she had several bullet holes in her back.
The baby that was in the car with her was not hit.

The mainstream media started by headlining "Police Rescue Baby".
When that became too absurd even for Americans they switched to " Possible Suicide Bomber Killed In D.C."

The young lady had lived in Bed Stuy and Baltimore, both places you don't stop for strangers with guns and badges don't really tell you if a person is friendly.


Then today Baltimore


Any connection or coincidence?

Re: Baltimore burns. Why?

Google - "Ten Cities of 100,000 or More with Highest Percentage of Blacks or African Americans, 2000 and 2010"

Baltimore has 64% percent of a black population. A lot of them unemployed. No wonder they will easily go mad becouse of everything.
hero member
Activity: 784
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Activity: 1789
Merit: 2535
Goonies never say die.
April 30, 2015, 02:25:14 PM
They aren't really "rioting over speculation". They are rioting bevause for 100% of their lives they have watched cops get away with killings and other things. The riots are not a calculated event, at least on the part of the rioters. Peaceful protesting is nice, I agree, but it does absolutely nothing. Who are you trying to fool?

When you say "crimes because you 'got no money' are still crimes", you are at the point where you and I disagree.

Of course it is a crime for a wealthy person to steal hubcaps off cars at night. Is that why they don't do it? Are wealthy people too ethical and law abiding to steal hubcaps?

As for shootings, the vast majority of things police are sent to deal with do not involve any shooting, and when the cops are sent to a place where a shooting has occurred already they should have the ability to deal with the situation, in most cases, without further shooting. A lot of people who become cops do so for the same basic reason kids join gangs, and shooting at an opposing force is kind of fun for them, so they try to justify shooting. But the truth is that shooting is almost never necessary.

You assume that because I do not support unnecessary violence that therefore I support surrendering to people who do use violence. That is not the case.

No, they are rioting because they believe a police officer violently broke a drug dealers neck and they do not believe the cop had a right to chase him. Plus, they have little money, no job, and why the fuck not riot?   It was fun for them. They're bored. By the way, the 'no money and no job' isn't going to get any better now that they've burned down several businesses and likely thwarted new business ventures from starting up anytime soon.

Peaceful protestors are coming together to plead their case for police brutality or discrimination. IMO, this is driven by media, skewed statistics, and desensitized police that let power get to their head and think they are better than the humans they are in a community with.
Unfortunately, most of the parents in Baltimore City are drugged up themselves, kids have no guidance, they accept the world in which they are given. And one of the top rules of their world is "hate/fuck the police", no matter what experiences they have personally had with them.

Plenty of rich people steal now, just in 'white collar' way. I do hear what your saying, I wouldn't have the same response to someone shoplifting to feed their children, but you shouldn't equate that with someone dealing drugs, burglarizing, and destroying other peoples property (all things Freddie did). He didn't deserve to die, but if it was self-inflicted, that's his fault. The cops should be let go regardless, however, because they should have been able to realize he wasn't faking after the first few times of asking for medical attention and maybe he would still be around today.

The issue is that the police have become desensitized, which allows them to make misjudgments like not provide medical assistance to someone screaming in pain and they ultimately end up treating people like animals. Its partly psychological and it doesn't matter who you make a cop, similar to the Standford Prison Experiment. Its not good, I'm not justifying their actions, just explaining.

In addition, I want to correct my stat in my prior post. There have been 59 shootings in Baltimore City in 2015, out of 70 homicides, so far - not 15 like I had thought. You just seem to think nobody shoots... all just bluffs. Tell that to the 59 dead people in the last 4 months in Baltimore City.

Not to mention, you just made my point yourself, its fun for them to shoot at an opposing force. If your a cop, and your in a city that has had 59 shootings in 4 months. Average 3 per week. I can assure you they are on edge when approaching any criminal in Baltimore City and your theories of just "holding tight" and assuming its a bluff when someone aims a gun at you is asinine IMO.

2015, so far: 59 shootings out of 70 homicides. Avg 3 per week.
2014: 160 shootings out of 211 homicides. Avg 3 per week
2013: 189 shootings out of 235 homicides. Avg 3 per week.
2012: 181 shootings out of 217 homicides. Avg 3 per week.

Activity: 1789
Merit: 2535
Goonies never say die.
April 30, 2015, 07:28:37 AM
Section 1) Ultimately the police snapped his neck while he was restrained. Whether or not drugs, the great bulk of his "crimes" are objectively criminal is an issue for elsewhere. His crimes generally fall into the category of "i got no money". The snapping of his neck while restrained, and the defense of anyone justifying that, even indirectly, including you, falls into the category " i got money and those who don't are poor for some natural reason or defect".

2) and you don't 'have a right to defend yourself i.e. shoot when someone is pointing a gun at you. You have a fucking brain. Obviously you have had no guns pointed at you in questionable circumstances. The vast majority of ',pointed guns' are bluffs. If you are quick to shoot you will be slow to learn.

3) I estimated you as being young because of your comments. That is unchanged.

4) You seem to have this ridiculous notion that the number one priority for police is to porotect themselves, and that attitude is what led to thrse riots and probably more soon. If your number one priority is to just collect a fat paycheck and stay alive at all costs then don't become a cop.

A police of first shot = unemployed doesn't require any dramatic paperwork. Something like 99.999% of situations do not even come close to requiring that you fire the first shot. If a cop misjudges and shoots he can try another line of work. If he finds himself in that rare situation when a quick first shot was justified, again he can talk about it at his next place of work.

Ultimately, your drawing conclusions without any facts. You don't know what happened, nor do I. The facts are not all out in the case yet. The closest witness (the prisoner that was in the van with Freddie) states that he believes Freddie was banging his own head against the van in an attempt to injure himself. Rioting over speculation is stupid, peacefully protesting for the answers is great. Crimes because you "got no money" are still crimes and still illegal. If you think that criminals, thugs, whatever you want to call them, will shoot each other & regular citizens, without hesitation, but will not shoot a cop without hesitation in 99.999% of the situations, you would be severely misguided. It sounds like you just want cops getting killed, or you just want to allow the crime to happen if the criminal has a gun pointed at you. Baltimore has had over 15 shooting deaths in 2015 so far, and 70 homicides.
Activity: 1789
Merit: 2535
Goonies never say die.
April 29, 2015, 04:56:24 PM
Activity: 2590
Merit: 2156
Welcome to the SaltySpitoon, how Tough are ya?
April 29, 2015, 02:57:30 PM
This is kind of going away from Baltimore riots to national security discussion. If you think that her getting shot after hitting a barricade at the whitehouse and then driving off is rough, you should try driving to the NSA gate. Its a pretty discrete location, and tens of people accidentally take the exit to Fort Meade daily. You can't back up, and if you try they immediate stop you. The standard procedure is to have your car dissasembled before they let you leave.

@ Wilikon I dont know if her order was a good call or not, but consider this. In light of the whole police brutality revolts from Ferguson/Baltimore, etc. The world is watching to see how the police are going to respond. I don't necessarily blame them for being overly cautious. All it would have taken is one club upside the wrong person's head, them taking a flop and the riots would exponentially increase. Some additional stores got looted/burned because of police inaction, but what would have police action caused? Hindsight is 20-20
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
April 29, 2015, 02:51:11 PM

Source: Baltimore mayor ordered police to stand down

Despite a firm denial by Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, a senior law enforcement source charges that she gave an order for police to stand down as riots broke out Monday night, raising more questions about whether some of the violence and looting could have been prevented.

The source, who is involved in the enforcement efforts, confirmed to Fox News there was a direct order from the mayor to her police chief Monday night, effectively tying the hands of officers as they were pelted with rocks and bottles.

Asked directly if the mayor was the one who gave that order, the source said: "You are God damn right it was."

The claim follows criticism of the mayor for, over the weekend, saying they were giving space to those who "wished to destroy."

By Tuesday night, despite the chaos a day earlier, Baltimore police along with the National Guard and other law enforcement contingents seemed to be restoring order in the city, which was under a curfew overnight.

Rawlings-Blake has defended her handling of the unrest, which grew out of protests over the death of Freddie Gray while in police custody.

The mayor, in an interview with Fox News' Bill Hemmer on Tuesday, denied any order was issued to hold back on Monday.

"You have to understand, it is not holding back. It is responding appropriately," she said, saying there was no stand-down directive.

She said her critics have a right to their opinion.

Meanwhile, U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch, just days into the job, addressed the unrest on Wednesday. She offered her "deepest condolences" to the Gray family, but said the "senseless acts of violence" are a "grave danger to the community" and "counterproductive." She reiterated that the FBI and DOJ civil rights unit are investigating, and ready to offer assistance.

She said she's been in direct contact with Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan and others.

On Monday, Hogan suggested the mayor waited too long to request a state of emergency.

That followed criticism over her remarks over the weekend, when she said it's important to give protesters the opportunity to exercise their right to free speech.

She seemed to take that notion a step further: "It's a very delicate balancing act, because, while we tried to make sure that they were protected from the cars and the other things that were going on, we also gave those who wished to destroy space to do that as well."

As her "destroy" remarks faced a buzzsaw of criticism amid the riots Monday, the mayor initially tried to deny she said them.

"I never said nor would I ever say that we are giving people space to destroy our city, so my words should not be twisted," the mayor said Monday.

In a press conference, she accused critics of a "blatant mischaracterization."

But her office eventually released a written statement acknowledging she said those words -- while attempting to explain them.

Howard Libit, director of strategic planning and policy, said: "What she is saying within this statement was that there was an effort to give the peaceful demonstrators room to conduct their peaceful protests on Saturday. Unfortunately, as a result of providing the peaceful demonstrators with the space to share their message, that also meant that those seeking to incite violence also had the space to operate. ...

"The mayor is not saying that she asked police to give space to people who sought to create violence. Any suggestion otherwise would be a misinterpretation of her statement."

On Wednesday, Ben Carson, a potential Republican presidential candidate who was a pediatric neurosurgeon at Baltimore's Johns Hopkins, urged against "piling on" the mayor, whom he knows.

He told Fox News the bigger issue is what big-city mayors should be doing to prepare - early - for situations like this, particularly in what he described as a "tinderbox" atmosphere.

Activity: 1789
Merit: 2535
Goonies never say die.
April 29, 2015, 06:55:38 AM
The problem with jail is that as a general rule you do not go there when you commit a crime if you have a badge or bucks. There are exceptions when a case gets a lot of publicity and a judge is forced to put a cop or tycoon in jail, but the rule in most countries including America is no jail for cops no matter what they do as long as it can be kept out of the media.

I do not support jail generally since it is a moron solution. You are spending upwards of $30,000 a year to teach a person that the way to teach is to overpower someone and take away their freedom.

But if you support jail then it has to be the same rules for cops.

At this point there are two options, a fork, and both can be summarized 'fair game'.

This is an unintelligent statement, and at this point your just a troll or one of the geniuses actually wanting to participate in the crap that happened in Baltimore.... the guy in question here, Freddie Gray, had been arrested well over 5 times in the past 6 months alone. Was he in Jail??  No.   Does he have bucks or a badge??   No.  
Get that shit out of my face about 'badges and bucks', plenty of criminals are not in jail and plenty of them have been in police custody numerous times. Again, this doesn't mean he should have been handled the way he was handled... there is definitely a deeper issue with he police but I do not believe its based on racism. Cops are human beings that have weapons, power, a right to kill (in certain circumstances), and a fear of losing their life. This is a dangerous recipe for any human being.

It happens every day hundreds of times that people bump into concrete dividers. In some areas you learn not to stick around for minor traffic things like that. The lady had a baby in the car and was educated in some places that are worse neighborhoods than you or I are used to. She had not committed any real crime and thought she had the ability to get away. She miscalaculated. Did she make the right choice? If she had gotten away it would have been the right choice.

There was absolutely no justification for shooting her several times in the back.
No justification for the police to ptetend they had done something heroic when in fact they acted like cowards.
No justification for compounding the offense by trying to portray her as a possible suicide bomber when they knew very well that was not the case.

The case of the woman in her 90s killed by a powermad cop likewise.
Anybody, including most cops, knows that when an old lady pulls out a gun it is not to shoot. He could have told her "Put the gun away or you'll get a $20 fine" and the gun would have gone away.
Are you serious?  I hope you never become a cop in Baltimore or you will not last very long. I'm sure he told her to put the gun down, she didn't respond, it takes a split second to pull a trigger. If anything, he should have retreated and asked for backup, but I don't know the situation he was in. Grandmother or not, he doesn't know her mental status... she could be suffering from dementia and think he's a burglar, you don't know.

The problem, the real problem, is the people who need to defend cops no matter what they do.

There are very few honest cops who would take even the slightest step to defend or explain awasy either of the shootings above.

But people like you step in and do it.

As to the violence and how it 'counteracts that goal' or is counterproductive or whatever... I scratch my head at academics like you.

"Not rioting" does not work, okay? It is ineffective as far as most people are concerned. But you would like them to try it. How long should they try it?
I hugely dislike the cops and I am not an "academic", but cops are UNFORTUNATELY needed by our society because of people like YOU that think "not rioting does not work", and in that respect, I honor them. Destroying other peoples hard earned property, cash, etc, in my mind, is not the way to accomplish anything. Without police, those rioters would have just been killed by the people protecting their property (maybe you are ok with this type of justice? or maybe you think poverty wouldn't happen without police and there would be no rioters??).... Law abiding citizens of Baltimore had to watch their buildings being destroyed while the cops sat by and watched.... so no, I don't enjoy police. I am against them or I support them on a case by case basis.

EDIT:  She has some good points, she may be closest to the truth with regards to Baltimore:
hero member
Activity: 602
Merit: 500
hyperboria - next internet
April 29, 2015, 06:00:42 AM
In Oct 2013 a young woman with a child bumped a concrete divider near a D.C. attraction.
The police got excited.
She panicked and tried to flee.
The police filled her car with bullets.
When they finally stopped shooting she had several bullet holes in her back.
The baby that was in the car with her was not hit.

The mainstream media started by headlining "Police Rescue Baby".
When that became too absurd even for Americans they switched to " Possible Suicide Bomber Killed In D.C."

The young lady had lived in Bed Stuy and Baltimore, both places you don't stop for strangers with guns and badges don't really tell you if a person is friendly.


Then today Baltimore


Any connection or coincidence?

Where is the news?

I don't see anything. But even if it's true. American police is still one of the best in the world. Take in mind there a 200 million guns in america. They should be very careful.

sr. member
Activity: 429
Merit: 250
Pythagoras and Plato are my brothers.
April 29, 2015, 03:06:38 AM
Because people are animals.
Activity: 2590
Merit: 2156
Welcome to the SaltySpitoon, how Tough are ya?
April 29, 2015, 03:01:34 AM
Yes, it's well known that is this close to summarily executing all law-abiding gun owners who won't pay bribes. Sounds like you might as well rig the safe to electrocute everyone but you. If you're going to be unjustly charged with murder, at least make it an act of self-defense/defense of others, against an actual criminal.

Have you donated to any civil rights lawsuit funds?

I don't play the politics games, because every politician on all sides is going to screw you over in one way or another, so I'm very careful when I blame any political faction for things, as I'm aware that if the alternative was in power, something else would be messed up. Martin O'Malley has spearheaded some insane gun control measure in the 10ish years he was governor. Hopefully with a new governor some things will change. For the record I'm pretty pro 2nd ammendment, but thats because I come from a long line of responsible gun owners, have had a hunting license since I was 9, taken safety courses and such, and don't buy into all of the fear. I haven't donated to any civil rights lawsuit funds, because thus far they have been a waste. The supreme court has already validated half of what Maryland has done.

On topic though, I don't think we need to get rid of the police, I don't think we need to hit them with rocks or anything like that. Just a more fair accountabililty for their actions would be nice. You don't need to punish the entire police force, just make it so the individuals who abuse their power can be held liable for their actions "IF" they are deemed excessive. I'm wholly aware that corruption and shady stuff happens, but I'm also aware that people hit the police with rocks and then cry abuse when they get pepper sprayed. I'm no stranger to people trying to bait me and then cry abuse, so I recognize it rather quickly when its happening. I know the body cams thing is sort of a hot issue, I support giving them a shot anyway. Either they will legitimately help, or they will create a new genre in cinematography, as the police take extra special care to stage crime dramas so they can continue to get away with their shady shit.

All of that said, overall I respect the hell out of the Baltimore police. (Read above, no I'm not a statist, I'm for punishing individuals, not condemning entire organizations) anyone who says that they are over militarized, or over play the danger of their work environment, I invite to come spend a day (or night) in Baltimore. Take troops from war zones and put them into Baltimore, and I'd guarentee they would see some new things.

Like your president said (I am paraphrasing),

These are not people standing up for values or ideals.  These are not people looking for change.

These are thieves, bullies and looters.

Agreed, people who are looking for justice in the face of a sometimes crooked police department don't loot liquor stores, malls, shoe stores, and attack firemen. What is being overlooked in the face of all of this, is that there has been a week of peaceful protests. Not just people burning down half of the pharmacies in the city.
Activity: 3668
Merit: 3010
Licking my boob since 1970
April 29, 2015, 01:43:46 AM
Like your president said (I am paraphrasing),

These are not people standing up for values or ideals.  These are not people looking for change.

These are thieves, bullies and looters.
Activity: 3038
Merit: 1032
RIP Mommy
April 29, 2015, 12:53:58 AM
Baltimore: Arm yourself because nobody else here will save you.

Good luck, Maryland has one of the most if not the most strict gun control regulations in the US. Other little secret anti gun legislation makes it not safe to own guns. For example, I own a large gun safe, probably near a half ton in weight. If someone breaks into my house, spends a week cracking my safe, steals a weapon, and shoots someone with it, I'm liable and can be charged as an accessory.

Yes, it's well known that is this close to summarily executing all law-abiding gun owners who won't pay bribes. Sounds like you might as well rig the safe to electrocute everyone but you. If you're going to be unjustly charged with murder, at least make it an act of self-defense/defense of others, against an actual criminal.

Have you donated to any civil rights lawsuit funds?
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