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Has anyone ever tried to setup a lan boot server to host the images for each rig? The cheap ass flash drives I bought are dying left right and center. I'd also like to remotely reset the image for a rig if it was running into issues. I have a remote reboot setup already when it locks up, but if it's loading the same image that doesn't always fix the problem. I'd like to have one machine with a HD (maybe raid 1) to host the 10 rig images and have everything boot from LAN. I've found the fastest fix is just swap in a new flash drive and that fixes 99% of the problems I've run into. I'm not sure if it's the flash drive dying or something being corrupted, it's not worth figuring out since it takes 15 seconds to swap the flash drive. But if it's a remote farm that is a little more trouble. =)
Some rigs I switched to laptop HDs I had lying around and that works fine. I'm just wondering if anyone has gone a step further to help manage remote farms. If no one else has done it does anyone know how hard this would be to setup? If it's not horribly difficult I'll start a bounty. =)
I have been looking at network boot. it would not be too difficult. the debian live tools can generate a netboot image from the same source that makes regular bamt.
also, found some additional writes to disk that are eliminated in upcoming version, that will help keys live longer.