
Topic: BAMT - Easy persistent USB key based linux for dedicated miners/mining farms - page 20. (Read 167479 times)

hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 506
Activity: 1218
Merit: 1079
Gerald Davis

utf8 "\xFF" does not map to Unicode at /usr/share/perl5/ line 77, <$IN> c                 hunk 1.
Malformed UTF-8 character (unexpected end of string) in substitution (s///) at /                 usr/share/perl5/YAML/ line 35, <$IN> line 1.
Malformed UTF-8 character (unexpected end of string) in substitution (s///) at /                 usr/share/perl5/YAML/ line 36, <$IN> line 1.

                   .'         ':,
                  /  __  _  __  \\
                  | |_)) || |_))||
                  | | \\ || |   ||
                  |             ||   _,
                  |    gpumon   ||.-(_{}
                  |             |/    `
                  |        ,_ (;|/)
                \\|       {}_)-,||`

   One of the BAMT tools has suffered a fatal error.

Malformed UTF-8 character (fatal) at /usr/share/perl5/YAML/ line 38, <$                 IN> line 1.

Rig was running fine last night.  This morning it had crashed, rebooted and get this when restarting gpumon.  Any ideas?
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 506
also when i run top, i see 3 instances of phoenix running at 25% cpu each... Huh

remove overclocking, turn it off, try again

(to give a little more detail, stuck phoenix that bamt can't kill is sure sign of locked up gpus.  you will have to power off to recover)
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
also when i run top, i see 3 instances of phoenix running at 25% cpu each... Huh
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 506
is it normal to have a card at 99% load in gpumon when that card is not actually mining?

not normal, and i really don't think possible.  the card can't just invent it's own card to do.  it's probably mining.
i have sometimes seen GPUs report 99% load when they have been locked up due to too much overclocking, but usually then they will crash pretty soon after.
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
is it normal to have a card at 99% load in gpumon when that card is not actually mining?
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 506
There seems to be a formatting problem in your bamt.conf file.
YAML is picky.  The specific complaint about your file is:

 Stream does not end with newline character on line 0

Did you open it with any weird (or windows, or mac) editors?  I think it's complaining that the newlines aren't right, or even there.. a common symptom of using an editor from one OS to change files from another.

There is a clean config in /opt/bamt/examples that you can use as a base to fix it or replace it.
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
There seems to be a formatting problem in your bamt.conf file.
YAML is picky.  The specific complaint about your file is:

 Stream does not end with newline character on line 0

here is my config file.

# Big A Miner Thing configuration
# /etc/bamt/bamt.conf
# You may be seeing this because you just booted up a new
# BAMT system.  To start mining:
# 1. Adjust values in this file to your liking
# 2. Save
# 3. Add your pool URL(s) to the file specified per GPU
#    (if you click File, Open, the default 'pools' file should be right there)
# 4. Either open root shell and type '/etc/init.d/mine restart', or power off and on.
# From then on, this rig will auto mine at power on, no need
# to touch it again.
# To make this file quit opening every time you boot up,
# remove the line 'show_config_at_boot: 1' below.
# Note: This is a YAML file.  Indentation is significant.

  #purely cosmetic, used in alerts, etc
  miner_id: BTC 1
  miner_loc: Home Office
  # should we monitor the cards? 1 = yes, 0 = no
  do_monitor: 0

  # for monitoring, how do we send email alerts?
  # required..
  # smtp_host:
  # smtp_port: 25
  # smtp_from: [email protected]
  # smtp_to: [email protected]
  # optional..
  # smtp_auth_user: youruser
  # smtp_auth_pass: yourpass
  # central config managment? 1 = yes, 0 = no
  do_manage_config: 0
  # command to run for config updates.. see docs
  # config_update_cmd: /usr/bin/rsync -aL rsync://* /etc/bamt/

  # at boot, how long to wait for X to start (seconds)
  start_mining_init_delay: 180

  # delay in between starting individual GPUs (seconds)
  start_mining_miner_delay: 10

  # annoy you with this file at boot
  show_config_at_boot: 1

  # open a status monitor on console at boot
  show_gpumon_at_boot: 1

# You'll need one gpuX: section per GPU installed.  Not sure what's installed,
# or the order?  Open a root shell and type:  aticonfig --list-adapters
# If you need more, copy paste the block and edit the gpu#.  Delete blocks
# if you don't have that many cards..

  # remove this or set to 0 to actually use this card..
  disabled: 0

  # optional - overclocking, values set at bootup
  core_speed: 800
  mem_speed: 300
  fan_speed: 60

  # kernel, phatk or poclbm.  phatk recommended.
  kernel: phatk

  # whatever you'd like in the style used with phoenix.  Do not use DEVICE= statement.

  # IMPORTANT: pool_file must contain a list of pool URLs.. one at least, more if
  # you like.  You can share the same file for all GPUs, or have one for each.
  # Miner will start with first URL in file, however if no shares are accepted
  # for any reason in (pool_timeout) seconds, the miner will move to next URL
  # in the file.  Wraps around to first URL when last one fails.
  pool_file: /etc/bamt/pools
  pool_timeout: 180

  # if we are monitoring, define a normal range.  values outside these thresholds = alert
  monitor_temp_lo: 45
  monitor_temp_hi: 80
  monitor_load_lo: 80
  monitor_hash_lo: 125
  # this is shares accepted per minute..
  monitor_shares_lo: 1

# copy/paste or delete additional gpuX blocks as needed
  disabled: 0
  core_speed: 800
  mem_speed: 300
  fan_speed: 60
  kernel: phatk
  monitor_temp_lo: 45
  monitor_temp_hi: 80
  monitor_load_lo: 80
  monitor_hash_lo: 250
  monitor_shares_lo: 1
  pool_file: /etc/bamt/pools
  pool_timeout: 180
  disabled: 0
  core_speed: 800
  mem_speed: 300
  fan_speed: 60
  kernel: phatk
  monitor_temp_lo: 45
  monitor_temp_hi: 80
  monitor_load_lo: 80
  monitor_hash_lo: 250
  monitor_shares_lo: 1
  pool_file: /etc/bamt/pools
  pool_timeout: 180
  disabled: 0
  core_speed: 800
  mem_speed: 300
  fan_speed: 60
  kernel: phatk
  monitor_temp_lo: 45
  monitor_temp_hi: 80
  monitor_load_lo: 80
  monitor_hash_lo: 250
  monitor_shares_lo: 1
  pool_file: /etc/bamt/pools
  pool_timeout: 180
  disabled: 0
  core_speed: 800
  mem_speed: 300
  fan_speed: 60
  kernel: phatk
  monitor_temp_lo: 45
  monitor_temp_hi: 80
  monitor_load_lo: 80
  monitor_hash_lo: 250
  monitor_shares_lo: 1
  pool_file: /etc/bamt/pools
  pool_timeout: 180
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 506
lodcrappo once I get all my rigs up a big donation is coming your way.  I think BAMT + cgminer is really "the solution" for anyone with more than 1 or 2 rigs.

The only troubling thing is I seem to have much higher stale rate ~1% vs 0.1% however the pool I used went down so it may be some back end "junk".  Don't want to jump to any conclusions.

The integration between cgminer & BAMT makes the bounty project to add RPC support to cgminer (that I herded together) a solid investment.

A feature request if I may:
Since I would imagine most cgminers, use a config file would it be possible to add a "edit cgminer.conf" option to gpumon.  It is so convenient to be able to hit c edit bamt.conf and drop back to gpumon but it is kinds spoiled by having to open a new screen launch nano to edit cgminer.conf.

it is not a big deal to add a key to open another file in editor.  /etc/bamt/cgminer.conf work for everyone?
Activity: 1218
Merit: 1079
Gerald Davis
Linux N00b here. Grin With BAMT what is the best option or config file to modify to give a static IP for my rigs?

Thank you.

bamt is designed to be dynamically configured. if you must have a static IP, the best option is to create a reservation in your dhcp server.

That is what I do.  You don't really want to be putting IP data into the image because if you use that copy on another rig it is going to get "fun".  DHCP reservation makes is "easy".  A single image can boot any rig and you always know what IP address that rig will have.
Activity: 1218
Merit: 1079
Gerald Davis
lodcrappo once I get all my rigs up a big donation is coming your way.  I think BAMT + cgminer is really "the solution" for anyone with more than 1 or 2 rigs.

The only troubling thing is I seem to have much higher stale rate ~1% vs 0.1% however the pool I used went down so it may be some back end "junk".  Don't want to jump to any conclusions.

The integration between cgminer & BAMT makes the bounty project to add RPC support to cgminer (that I herded together) a solid investment.

A feature request if I may:
Since I would imagine most cgminers, use a config file would it be possible to add a "edit cgminer.conf" option to gpumon.  It is so convenient to be able to hit c edit bamt.conf and drop back to gpumon but it is kinds spoiled by having to open a new screen launch nano to edit cgminer.conf.

hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 506
Linux N00b here. Grin With BAMT what is the best option or config file to modify to give a static IP for my rigs?

Thank you.

bamt is designed to be dynamically configured. if you must have a static IP, the best option is to create a reservation in your dhcp server.
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 506
I think BAMT still has a ways to go to better integrate cgminer as lodcrappo suggested. When I stop mining with a rig in gpumon with shift+d and then try to start again, something weird happens and cgminer will not start back up.

can you be more specific?  what about stop/start from command line, are there messages?  cgminer takes a while (maybe 2 minutes) to get going, are you waiting for it to be ready?

i can stop and start it OK here on test machine, but resources for testing beyond that are very limited.

I think I was doing a shift+d then a shift+r instead of shift+s. I think i am just used to hitting shift+r. Didn't try it with the command line.

it doesn't matter how you invoke it really.  are you saying there is not a problem, or that there is?  if there is a problem, i need more information than "something weird".

Activity: 1358
Merit: 1000
AKA: gigavps
I think BAMT still has a ways to go to better integrate cgminer as lodcrappo suggested. When I stop mining with a rig in gpumon with shift+d and then try to start again, something weird happens and cgminer will not start back up.

can you be more specific?  what about stop/start from command line, are there messages?  cgminer takes a while (maybe 2 minutes) to get going, are you waiting for it to be ready?

i can stop and start it OK here on test machine, but resources for testing beyond that are very limited.

I think I was doing a shift+d then a shift+r instead of shift+s. I think i am just used to hitting shift+r. Didn't try it with the command line.
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 506
I think BAMT still has a ways to go to better integrate cgminer as lodcrappo suggested. When I stop mining with a rig in gpumon with shift+d and then try to start again, something weird happens and cgminer will not start back up.

can you be more specific?  what about stop/start from command line, are there messages?  cgminer takes a while (maybe 2 minutes) to get going, are you waiting for it to be ready?

i can stop and start it OK here on test machine, but resources for testing beyond that are very limited.

hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 506

The MSI 890FXA-GD70 is a common mining board.  I just thought I would point out that BAMT hard fails on boot w/ bios version v1.09 or earlier.  I am not sure about v1.1A (v1.10) but v1.1B (v1.11) and later work including the latest at the time of writing v1.1D (v1.13).

If you wonder why I wrote the bios versions both ways.  The website and post screen use the hex naming system however the actual BIOS configuration screen uses decimal version.  BTW easiest way to flash seems to be format a USB stick FAT32 copy the bios file.  Boot, launch Bios setup, go to M-flash menu and upgrade.

This one has been in the bamt hardware compatibility list for some time, with notes about bios versions.  I will add your notes as well.
Activity: 1358
Merit: 1000
AKA: gigavps
I think BAMT still has a ways to go to better integrate cgminer as lodcrappo suggested. When I stop mining with a rig in gpumon with shift+d and then try to start again, something weird happens and cgminer will not start back up.
hero member
Activity: 626
Merit: 500
Mining since May 2011.

The MSI 890FXA-GD70 is a common mining board.  I just thought I would point out that BAMT hard fails on boot w/ bios version v1.09 or earlier.  I am not sure about v1.1A (v1.10) but v1.1B (v1.11) and later work including the latest at the time of writing v1.1D (v1.13).

If you wonder why I wrote the bios versions both ways.  The website and post screen use the hex naming system however the actual BIOS configuration screen uses decimal version.  BTW easiest way to flash seems to be format a USB stick FAT32 copy the bios file.  Boot, launch Bios setup, go to M-flash menu and upgrade.

I was thinking about picking up one of these boards for a consolidation project. (reducing rigs, less power cost, etc.) I was going to use this board and one of these:

Does it run 4 GPUs well without the need for extenders? I would be putting (4) 5850s running open air.

Thank you.
Activity: 1218
Merit: 1079
Gerald Davis

The MSI 890FXA-GD70 is a common mining board.  I just thought I would point out that BAMT hard fails on boot w/ bios version v1.09 or earlier.  I am not sure about v1.1A (v1.10) but v1.1B (v1.11) and later work including the latest at the time of writing v1.1D (v1.13).

If you wonder why I wrote the bios versions both ways.  The website and post screen use the hex naming system however the actual BIOS configuration screen uses decimal version.  BTW easiest way to flash seems to be format a USB stick FAT32 copy the bios file.  Boot, launch Bios setup, go to M-flash menu and upgrade.
Activity: 1218
Merit: 1079
Gerald Davis
FIXED: Anyone have a mismatch between GPUMon and cgminer?


   Temp    Fan% (rpm)    Load  Rate     Accept/Invalid   Status
0: c       % ()           0%       Mhs  /                Low Temp Low Load Low Mhs
1: 69c+    na% (na)      99%   366 Mhs  9/0 (0.00%)      cg:Alive HW:0 U:6.25/m I:8
2: 72.5c   75% (4053+)   99%   361 Mhs  6/0 (0.00%)      cg:Alive HW:0 U:4.17/m I:8
3: 66c+    na% (na)      99%   367 Mhs  5/0 (0.00%)      cg:Alive HW:0 U:3.47/m I:8
4: c       % ()           0%       Mhs  /                Low Temp Low Load Low Mhs
5: 63.5c+  na% (na)      99%   368 Mhs  8/0 (0.00%)      cg:Alive HW:0 U:5.56/m I:8

Total: 1463.87 Mhash/s  28 accepted, 0 invalid (0.00%)

Time         Total    gpu0    gpu1    gpu2    gpu3    gpu4    gpu5
23:33:12      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00
23:33:17   1474.61    0.00  372.40  358.34  370.59    0.00  373.28
23:33:27   1465.78    0.00  368.73  357.76  367.80    0.00  371.49
23:33:38   1460.74    0.00  367.15  360.77  365.76    0.00  367.06
23:33:48   1476.57    0.00  368.72  364.68  369.28    0.00  373.89
23:33:58   1462.99    0.00  367.63  358.92  368.86    0.00  367.58
23:34:08   1451.56    0.00  367.14  354.13  369.71    0.00  360.58
23:34:18   1458.73    0.00  366.90  361.85  367.95    0.00  362.03
23:34:28   1463.87    0.00  366.18  361.94  367.30    0.00  368.45

 cgminer version 2.1.2 - Started: [2012-01-28 23:33:01]
 (5s):2184.4 (avg):2111.4 Mh/s | Q:63  A:62  R:0  HW:0  E:98%  U:34.84/m
 TQ: 5  ST: 5  SS: 0  DW: 0  NB: 1  LW: 0  GF: 0  RF: 0
 Connected to with LP as user (nobody you know)
 Block: 000001c3866e264d589c07b4082bd37e...  Started: [23:33:01]
 [P]ool management [G]PU management [S]ettings [D]isplay options [Q]uit
 GPU 0:  69.5C 4165RPM | 361.0/356.2Mh/s | A:14 R:0 HW:0 U: 7.87/m I: 8
 GPU 1:  70.5C         | 371.7/364.5Mh/s | A:10 R:0 HW:0 U: 5.62/m I: 8
 GPU 2:  74.0C 4053RPM | 360.8/350.9Mh/s | A: 9 R:0 HW:0 U: 5.06/m I: 8
 GPU 3:  66.5C         | 369.2/357.9Mh/s | A: 9 R:0 HW:0 U: 5.06/m I: 8
 GPU 4:  74.0C 4241RPM | 356.8/346.8Mh/s | A: 8 R:0 HW:0 U: 4.50/m I: 8
 GPU 5:  65.0C         | 370.8/354.6Mh/s | A:13 R:0 HW:0 U: 7.30/m I: 8

I am using an image built/fixed/configed on one machine to get BAMT running on all machines.

Hopefully there is an easy fix because I don't want to have to manually install, fix, config 5 machines.

Any ideas?

On edit: FIXED.  A reboot after intitial boot "solved" it. 
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