If anyone had any doubts whether
snowshow is an alt account of fxsurfer/antkivark/anthithesis, he finally revealed himself as he couldn't resist to leave a comment in Croatian local board where he spreads the same bullshit like with all those older accounts. Imho, his posting style and the same old story that he spreads should be evidence enough to ban this account as well, but unfortunately forum policy is different.
Deči, fascinantno je kako se rugate Buffetu, a doslovno svaki član Satoshi sheme pokazuje da je Buffet u pravu. Jer, da je Bitcoin resurs koji postoji, resurs koji se rudari, onda bi holderi od njega imali koristi. No, nikakav takav resurs ne postoji u shemi i zato su holderima potrebni novi investitori da im korist tj. resurse donesu. Ako bi se sad zaustavio priljev tih investitora ostale bi vam samo te jedinice Satoshijevog zamišljenog broja (21 milijun) koje su atribuirane online adresama i od kojih ne bi imali apsolutno nikakve koristi. Na što je onda utrošena sva ona silna energija? Koji resurs se to izrudario ako niti jedan holder od toga ne može imati korist i treba dobrovoljni ulazak novog investitora da ga izbavi? Pa ništa. Ništa nije izrudareno. Sve što se događa u shemi je atribucija jedinica zamišljenog broja nakon uloga struje i drugih resursa. Ergo, uplata resursa u shemu bez resursa. Školska definicija investicijske prevare. Ono, anonimni lik izmisli broj, napravi protokol i sustav koji jedinice tog broja atribuira adresama na internetu, i ljudi zbog te atribucije daju svoje vrijedne ekonomske resurse. I onda se ti isti ljudi smiju Buffetu. Ludilo.
Yes, exactly the same story, the same examples and explanations, there is practically no doubt that this is the same person who spam this forum.
Given that admins tolerate such cases and allow such discussions, it is obviously the best option to ignore such members.
The snowshow started to spam my topic in the Croatian part of the forum about Buffett, so I had to lock it in the end.
I hope he will leave us alone now, but unfortunately I am not very optimistic
It seems that this is a person with a messianic complex and he came here to save us from bitcoin and crypto