Current difficulty is 53591178895.
I divide it by 60: 53591178895 / 60 = 893186315 h/s.
My hashrate is ~70 kh/s. My share per block is 70000 / 893186315 = 7.8e-5.
Then i multiply my share 7.8e-5 by the number of blocks per day 1440 = 0.11.
My per day block probability is 0.11 with 70kH/s.
Is it correct?
user_hr = 70000
network_diff = 53591178895
block_per_day = (24 * 60 / 2) * user_hr / (network_diff / 120)
coin_per_day = block_per_day / 17.3
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>>> user_hr = 70000
>>> network_diff = 53591178895
>>> block_per_day = (24 * 60 / 2) * user_hr / (network_diff / 120)
>>> coin_per_day = block_per_day / 17.3
>>> print(block_per_day)
>>> print(coin_per_day)