I speculate that if everyone spent more time testing the new game below or the db code in github instead of worrying about the price Boolberry would be better off. Once the db is ready and we create more uses for Boolberry, attracting users and merchants should be easier!
Popboolr update "Putting the 'pop' into Popboolr"I'm pleased to announce further updates to Popboolr new game functionality for Popboolr.
Pop em- now when a player claims bools, the points are not locked in until new set of unclaimed bools have been claimed in the game. During this period the bools are vulnerable. They can be "popped" (taken) by another player by clicking the 'Pop em' button. Once popped the previous claimer loses the bools and they are provisionally awarded to the player who popped them. The new claimer also gets 1 additional bonus bool. All of the new claimers bools are vulnerable until another set of unclaimed bools are claimed.
- A player cannot pop their own bools. Doing so will result in a player losing x2 the amount of Bools they attempted to pop.
Claims list pageShows (in real-time),
- the latest claims and pops as they are made
Stats pagesShows (in real-time),
- number of bools available
- number of claims made
- exchange rates (Bools to Boolberry to Bitcoin)
Server- updates to the server software, including a bit more extra 'grunt'
I've also added a few more nice touches... Please check out the site if you get a chance -
http://popboolr.com. The more people that give the game a try, the better!
I'll be taking a bit of a hiatus for a few weeks as I have other pressing matters to attend to. I will however endeavour to keep the test site on line, fix bugs and add minor updates (including more comprehensive instructions on how to play) in the interim. I've alot more ideas on where to take the game so expect more features and developments in the next few months!