...you know, this complaint thing doesn't have to be either bad or good, it's a complaint; the benefit of the doubt for the Casino and the player...
Then, I don't understand why someone alway say: like that guy who sees a collision or crash, and they have a revelation... omg! you remember that cannot accelerate your car to 150km/h... but right at that moment.
Anyway, These are not words to you (bcgamescammers) it is for the community, this is a betting thread and the best advice is, that before converting $1000 into $10000 you should know that there are accidents, consequently get away from them before, not when you see the problems... or the "accidents."
I made a mistake using this casino.
I saw they have a very low rating on askgamblers and many complaints like this.
I always say it; The best first bet is to know where you put your money, but I'm sure that if you did it it's because you knew it was bc.game... we agree on that, right.
It is not mandatory that you share it but what is your id*; or in those bets, show that Id... that is a way to associate those bets with a user. Then a screenshot of the chat with support, and it takes that to the reputation board.
I think that in this thread, anyone can show the information as best as possible,(or reputation board):
information that one... it is not mandatory to do so, but it is a good idea to shown understand it better... Date; Name of the game:
Id: of the game, if you want your nickname... etc.Then, information of interest (El pedo)
situationMaximum bet $1000, and very important mention, that also that you can buy free Spins for $150k. so cool, or
After placing a bet we get that image below, which is the equivalent to the one you show. ok!
I have placed a bet of $0.2, by the way, a spin and profit of 4x, not bad... shit, if it were $1000, I would have $4000, what a "·$5" I am... anyway, then if you click pic above this appears pic below:
That way, as a community we can see things better and not make assumptions for or against "x" in the first instance.
Whatever it is, don't forget to keep us up to date with the process...
It is worth remembering, in recent days I presented a case of 7x with a live game provider, I suppose since they were not extraterrestrial amounts, several did not echo it, in short, people also die driving at regulated speeds...
I would be more afraid of that casino that doesn't pay $1000 than one that doesn't pay $100k, anyway, my 7x was resolved...
Arg @1.46 - Ecu:@8.2 (really!!!!!)
draw: @4.0