They've released open-source instructions for the miner.
Does MinerGate still have withdrawal problems?
I know, but there are two points I keep in mind:
1) Open-source pools can attract those users that don't like closed-source pools in general. And having just a 3rd party mining tool connected to a private pool is not sufficient. After all, is there any way to check what's really going on with the payments?
2) I personally couldn't make Bytecoin compile with their instructions. Although I have all dependencies, I run into "internal compiler error" on Ubuntu 14.04. I'm not an advanced Ubuntu user, but trying to beat the error and even reinstalling different versions of Ubuntu (12.10 & 13.04) I arrived at nothing although the compiler hits this bug on different % of the job.
I've tried Minergate's withdrawal on Saturday, it worked for 300k BCNs.
1. I keep telling people to just solo mine but no one ever believes me. They think I am trying to trick them or scam them or something, or perhaps that I'm dumb. The list of disadvantages to any pool is large (scam, hacked, pool operator errors, loss of efficiency at the share level, un-decentralizes the network, etc.). This gets much worse on all counts when the infrastructure for pool mining is so immature, as is the case with BCN. The list of disadvantages to solo mining is: you need patience. It seems no one has patience though.
2. I use Ubuntu 13.10. Everything works right out of box. With other versions you generally need to build your own boost. Not a horrible problem, but a pain.