
Topic: [BCN] Bytecoin. Secure, private, untraceable since 2012 - page 89. (Read 1070333 times)

Activity: 56
Merit: 0
In Russian:
Я тoжe xoчy дoбaвить инфopмaцию для тex y кoгo пpoблeмы c cинxpoнизaциeй лoкaльнoгo кoшeлькa вepcии
У мeня, нaпpимep, тaк и нe пoлyчилocь зaпycтить cинxpoнизaцию для этoй вepcии кoшeлькa. He пoлyчилocь тaк жe и c вepcиeй 1.1.9 Toгдa я пpocмoтpeл cтapыe вepcии yкaзaнныe нa caйтe и yвидeл, чтo нaибoльшeй любoвью y пoльзoвaтeлeй пoльзyeтcя вepcия ( cмoтpитe пyнкт -"Download older versions" ) Eё тo я и зaпycтил. B ceкyндy вcё зapaбoтaлo!!! Пoтoм cкaчaл блoкчeйн ( cм. пyнкт "Blockchain (for all platforms)" ) T.o. вce пpoблeмы дocтaтoчнo быcтpo paзpeшилиcь!
Для тex y кoгo мaлo мecтa нa диcкe C !!!! Я пepeнёc кoшeлёк и вecь блoкчeйн нa диcк D. Я cдeлaл этo тaк:
Пocлe cкaчивaния кoшeлькa я eгo зaпycтил. Haчaлacь cинxpoнизaция. Гдe тo минyт чepeз 5 я ocтaнoвил кoшeлёк. Пoшёл пo пyти "Bыпoлнить - %APPDATA% - Roaming - bytecoin". Cкoпиpoвaл пaпкy bytecoin и вcтaвил eё нa диcк D. A в  cвoйcтвax яpлыкa в пyнктe «Oбьeкт» пpoпиcaть:  "C:\Program Files (x86)\bytecoinwallet-win64\bytecoinwallet.exe" --data-dir D:\bytecoin
И вce эти 39 Гб пoшли y мeня нa диcк D!!!

I also want to add information for those who have problems with synchronization of the local wallet version
I, for example, did not manage to start the synchronization for this version of the wallet. It did not work the same way with the version 1.1.9. Then I looked at the old versions indicated on the site and saw that the most love among users is using the version of (see the item "Download older versions") This version I launched. The next second it all worked! Then I downloaded the  blockchain(see "Blockchain (for all platforms)"). All my problems quickly resolved! Good luck!
jr. member
Activity: 71
Merit: 5
BCN going to $1 - count on it
hero member
Activity: 1092
Merit: 507
$BCN needs to burn about 60% of it's coin supply, or do something similar to Ripple putting some coins in escrow. Maybe that will bring some new eyes to the project.  Undecided
Activity: 6
Merit: 0
In Russian:
Инфopмaция для тex y кoгo пpoблeмы c cинxpoнизaциeй лoкaльнoгo кoшeлькa и oбнoвлeниeм бaлaнca.

Caмoe глaвнoe, в нacтpoйкax кoшeлькa дoлжнo cтoять Auto! (пo yмoлчaнию) He c yдaлeнныx дeмoнoв!
C yдaлeнныx дeмoнoв кoшeлeк cинxpoнизиpyeтcя, HO бaлaнc либo пocлeдний coxpaнeнный c бeкaпa, либo нoль - ecли ycтaнoвитe пepвый paз. Eщe мoжeт быть вapиaнт, чтo пpидeт тoлькo пocлeдняя cyммa (вceгдa пo paзнoмy бывaлo, пpoбoвaл нe paз yжe).

Дaлee мини инcтpyкция:
1. cкaчивaeм кoшeлeк c oфициaльнoгo caйтa ->
2. зaпycкaeм кoшeлeк, ждeм кoгдa oн oткpoeтcя, пocлe зaкpывaeм.
3. для ycкopeния cинxpoнизaции cкaчивaeм blockindexes.bin и blocks.bin c oфициaльнoгo caйтa ->
4. пo yмoлчaнию coздacтcя пaпкa нa диcкe C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\bytecoin Чтoбы в нee быcтpo пoпacть жмeм Win+R ИЛИ чepeз Bыпoлнить, ввoдим %APPDATA%\bytecoin - Oк
5. в пaпкe C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\bytecoin зaмeняeм blockindexes.bin и blocks.bin (и bytecoinwallet.wallet - ecли нyжнo вoccтaнoвить кoшeлeк из бeкaпa)
6. зaпycкaeм кoшeлeк, ждeм cинxpoнизaции. B этoм cлyчae бaлaнc бyдeт oтoбpaжaтьcя пpaвильнo.
Пaпкa bytecoin пocлe cинxpoнизaции бyдeт пpимepнo 39,8 ГБ (42 842 570 752 бaйт) тaк чтo cмoтpитe, ecть ли y вac нa диcкe C: мecтo c зaпacoм пoд кoшeлeк.

In English, google translation, so sorry for the errors, but the meaning will be clear.

Information for those who have problems with the synchronization of the local wallet and update the balance.
Most importantly, in the settings of the wallet should be Auto! (default) Not from remote daemon!
From the remote daemon, the wallet is synchronized, BUT the balance is either the last saved from the backup, or zero - if set the first time. There may be an option that only the last amount will come (it has always happened differently, I tried it several times already).

Further mini instructions:
1. download the wallet from the official site ->
2. launch a wallet, wait when it will open, after close.
3. To speed up synchronization, download blockindexes.bin and blocks.bin from the official site ->
4. By default, the folder on the C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\bytecoin will be created. hit Win + R OR through Run, type %APPDATA%\bytecoin - Ok
5. In the C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\bytecoin folder, replace blockindexes.bin and blocks.bin (and bytecoinwallet.wallet - if you want to restore the wallet from backup)
6. launch a wallet, wait for synchronization. In this case, the balance will be displayed correctly.
The bytecoin folder after synchronization will be approximately 39.8 GB (42,842,570,752 bytes) so look, do you have a place on the C: drive with a stock under the wallet.
jr. member
Activity: 107
Merit: 3
Please vote to confirm Bytecoin's event on coinmarketcal. And then contribute to make Bytecoin more visible!
I have added the events of the 2018 roadmap on
A Cryptocurrency Calendar that is a good reference in the crypto world.
So please contribute by voting and confirming for each event (just click on "real" button). Verify that you are clicking on the correct one. At this date, all are correct regarding the new roadmap.
direct link:
jr. member
Activity: 107
Merit: 3
So there will be a Hardfork. Does that means that we will get a new token and the old one will be destroyed or the new and old one will keep on the market in a basis of 1:1?  Huh
We need more clarification I think.
I also want to know!

Here is the answer:


In our case hardfork will only mean that users with the old client versions will have to be updated to the new ones because they won't be compatible. It'll be quite easy to import your keys to the new desktop apps. The main aim of the hardfork is to end up with some essential issues (missing coins, canceled transactions, sync speed) and make BCN much more stable.
Activity: 308
Merit: 10
You must meet certain requirements to be listed on coinmarketcap. Basically once the tokens can be traded and have trading volume, it will be listed on coinmarketcap. Tokens will be traded after the ICO ends, so when does hardcap reach and become a public favorite? if your marketing team is working hard, then I am sure you will succeed
Activity: 181
Merit: 10
Crypto sz.
So there will be a Hardfork. Does that means that we will get a new token and the old one will be destroyed or the new and old one will keep on the market in a basis of 1:1?  Huh
We need more clarification I think.
I also want to know!
jr. member
Activity: 107
Merit: 3
So there will be a Hardfork. Does that means that we will get a new token and the old one will be destroyed or the new and old one will keep on the market in a basis of 1:1?  Huh
We need more clarification I think.
Activity: 165
Merit: 10

Dear Community,

We’d like to present you with our new roadmap for the 1st and 2nd quarter of 2018
1 - Public New API Beta Release

There will be a beta version of the new stable API that every user will be able to test. Your comments, found bugs, or suggestions will be included in the final version of the API. The open sourced code will be available on the new branch of the GitHub repository.
2 - New API Stable Release

Release of an absolutely new, stable Bytecoin wallet. New design, features, and a fast synchronized blockchain will be available for Bytecoin users.
3 - Hardfork

The Bytecoin Hardfork will include a new dynamic fee system and deconstruction of the old API. It means that all users should move to the new wallet.

To Back up your old wallet you’ll be able to replace your coins from the old API wallet to the new API wallet.
4 - Public Testnet Release

We have big plans for the 3rd and 4th quarter of 2018 and that’s why we are going to release a new public testnet where every user will be able to test new software and leave their comments, notifications, and suggestions.

It’s very important for us to know your thoughts and ideas about the new releases as that will be act as a direct bridge between the community and the development team.

Yours truly, Jenny and the Dev Team

DEV tean - Please, please PLEASE work with Poloniex and ensure there is no wallet issues for the changes you are making. 
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
jr. member
Activity: 107
Merit: 3

Dear Community,

We’d like to present you with our new roadmap for the 1st and 2nd quarter of 2018
1 - Public New API Beta Release

There will be a beta version of the new stable API that every user will be able to test. Your comments, found bugs, or suggestions will be included in the final version of the API. The open sourced code will be available on the new branch of the GitHub repository.
2 - New API Stable Release

Release of an absolutely new, stable Bytecoin wallet. New design, features, and a fast synchronized blockchain will be available for Bytecoin users.
3 - Hardfork

The Bytecoin Hardfork will include a new dynamic fee system and deconstruction of the old API. It means that all users should move to the new wallet.

To Back up your old wallet you’ll be able to replace your coins from the old API wallet to the new API wallet.
4 - Public Testnet Release

We have big plans for the 3rd and 4th quarter of 2018 and that’s why we are going to release a new public testnet where every user will be able to test new software and leave their comments, notifications, and suggestions.

It’s very important for us to know your thoughts and ideas about the new releases as that will be act as a direct bridge between the community and the development team.

Yours truly, Jenny and the Dev Team
Activity: 3
Merit: 0

I posted below on this thread Dec-19-2017 and I'm posting it again just so everyone can see how wonderful the support is by BCN_officials and changelly alike.

ps: And yes - there has been no movement on the transaction since 12-16-2017 or a word of comfort/assurance from either party. Unbelieveable!



Good Evening BCN_Officials,

Please help me, im not getting anywhere with Changelly. I emailed, tweeted, priv message them but got nothing.

I exchanged LTC to get 1Mil+ BCN  (1,016,100 BCN to be exact)  on Saturday 12/16 night and so far it is still stuck at
'sending to wallet' phase. Im using a native desktop windows 64bitlatest version of your wallet.

Please advise, when will my issue be resolved. Please.

Best, Risc6k

BTW, Below is the email, I sent to them.

Good Morning Changelly Admins,

COuld you kindly look at my transaction pls. Its been sitting in 'Sending to your wallet' status since last night (~10pm CST 12/16/2017).

Transaction ID: c79cd05f7588 (For LTC to BCN exchange) This is my 2nd transaction with y'all, I didn't had any issues with first one (last week or so) so I know your stuff works as suppose to. Pls let me know asap.

Best, Risc6k
Activity: 140
Merit: 17
There is a tech and there is a team. The tech may be relatively ok, not worse or not much worse that of the other competitors, but due to the team's lack of work on the tech, regular failure to keep the deadlines, not fulfilling the promises, the community may not believe in the team, and this is represented by the market price of the coin. Now, even during the btc rally, most of the coins show a lot of growth, not only to the btc raise, but raise in relation to the btc as well. When that does not happen to bcn (despite its being paraded as existing from 2012), you do not question the tech, but the team.

Trasparency, regular updates, good communication with the community, clear trasparent answeres about the premine (not some vague round-about comments, which do not hit the point), staying away from the dark markets association, on the part of the team, may help. Otherwise, we'll be hearing for many months and years the moans of the community, how come the bcn does not grow, maybe the enemies are to blame. The btc grows in value despite all "enemies". The good devs do not shift the responsibility or produce lame excuses, or seek out enemies, they'd rather improve their performance and root out their own inadequacies.

I'm absolutely agree that regular updates and good communication with the community is the key to the successful project, and that's the thing we're working on. A lot of things were made during the last 4 months. The premine myth was ruined many times before, however, it's continuing to stay in trend among haters. I'm not trying to complain or something like that, however, I only want to make you notice that there's a huge progress performed by the team during the last months and thats the start point of the new era for Bytecoin.  

Whats everyones thoughts on Zoidberg coming back to Boolberry and trying to develop it?

Has anyone seen their new project Doubloon? Looks interesting

BCN===>news: Fluffy Pony Dev from monero wants in ? :-D weeeee
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
If I make hitbtc, the transfer does not work. bcn 5 is in day trading. it may be due to
Activity: 98
Merit: 10
The Cryptocurrency never sleep

 Cool Do I ask you the same question since none of you deign to answer me HuhHuh When do you plan on letting people access their WebWallet? Correct UserName and Pass Increase the blocking
     time   Huh
     I'm getting a little bit of pre-cooking know you hope to be wrong thanks
    Vi rifaccio la stessa domanda visto che nessuno di voi si degna di rispondermi??? Quando pensate di lasciare la gente  ad accedere ai propi WebWallet Huh UserName e Pass corretti Aumenta il
    tempo di blocco mi sto alcuanto preucapando sapete spero di sbagliarmi grazie

Activity: 140
Merit: 17
This is really a nice wallet and project, easy to use and lot of projection.
i bought some millions just in case, lets keep it there to see how far bcn can go, maybe more than 100 satoshi

BCN aiming to hit 100 satoshi again like siacoin did pushing north from here upwards :-D weee
Activity: 17
Merit: 0
Anyone else having issues depositing BCN at either poloniex or hitbtc?
haven't been able to for days?
Activity: 196
Merit: 11
we talk a whole lot about the usd value... check out the btc value. that's jumped significantly more than usd (62.9% more)... i mean, if you're going to compare... check that out.. real nice.
Activity: 98
Merit: 10
The Cryptocurrency never sleep

   Cool Hi Dev when you think to get people back into possession of their coins that are in your WEBWALLET Huh? Remove that hateful block that you have on the first try even if the
       login data are good, please think very badly ..... Carry your money even on Wallet Coinomi you earn in confidence Thanks .... Cool

    Hi Dev quando pensate di fare entrare le persone di nuovo in possesso delle propie monete che sono nel vostro WEBWALLET?Huh Togliete quel blocco odioso che avete al primo
     tentativo anche se i dati di login sono buoni per favore fa pensare molto male.....Portate la vostra moneta anche su Wallet Coinomi ci guadagnate in fiducia Grazie ....  Cool
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