But now that I thought about it, I realized that the beginner’s luck had more to do with the player itself than outside factors. As a beginner, you have no expectations. You do not know what’s possible. What can you win, what can you lose. There is no pressure of playing which is why you are just able to win. But a few rounds after that, you are already expecting to win. There is the need to perform better and get more money than the previous round. And that is the explanation for a beginner’s luck. It’s just our mindset.
I am among those that had such experience of a beginners luck, the first time I played bet I won and surely there is an increasing desire of gambling more, I usually calle that beginners luck a welcome gift hahahah though not all are privileged to have this experience, at first day I went with friends but the second day I went alone with confident even when i had no experience funny enough i lost all the money I went with, back then we only had the opportunity of playing bet in the betting shop. However, in my experience if a beginners that had a winning at their first time bet doesn't become extremely careful he or she will end up chasing losses at the time they will start having losses.