Everyones hasn diferent beliefs about money and wealth. See for example 35 different ways of thinking about it here:
https://daringtolivefully.com/powerful-beliefs-about-moneyOne famous author, not my favourite, yet an influential one is
Robert Kyosaki. In his book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad", he examines two different beliefs and states that those believes will shape your success.
What of these do you agree with? What other beliefs do you have about money?
1 - Millionaires are greedy, that is why they become millionaires.
2 - Company managers just want to use the workers to make themselves rich and others poor.
3 - Having money is a question of luck, if not of "gods grace".
4 - Debt is always bad.
5 - To make money, you just need to have a great idea nobody thought off.
6 - Cryptos are the way to make money and be successful without having to put effort into it.
7 - To become rich I just have to believe in Bitcoin because many people have become rich doing that.
8 - To become rich I just have to be more clever and streetwise than everyone around to get my share of the cake.
Your turn to think ...
(EDIT: These are NOT my beliefs, at least not necessarily, is just a list to think. Is not the list by Robert K. either.)
I believe millionairies aren't always greedy, they are just very organized on their lives and don't waste money, at least they don't waste it while they are building their fortunes. But there isn't a common rule to become millionaire, it will depend on each individual case.
Company managers have the knowledge, they will surely take a big piece of the pie for this reason... Without them there wouldn't be business, then there wouldn't be jobs for anyone! If the workers aren't getting richer there is something wrong, maybe not at work, but at their houses. Lack of management long term plans in most cases.
Having money can be a question of luck, but it can be thanks to a good project, invention, idea... (Or is Satoshi just too lucky?)
Debt is always bad!
To make money you need to be creative and sometimes you can be creative taking an idea that already exists, but boosting it somehow.
Crypto-Currency is the way to take the future's rocket, directly to the moon. Those who miss it will regret a lot later. It can look easy, but those who are in this world are risking themselves a lot, it's not so easy at all...
To be rich there isn't a recipe, each one needs to discover by himself how to do it.
Some will try it by the education path, others will try by the hard-work path. Some paths more traditional than others...