The problem is that nobody has the balls to identify the root cause: Islam ideology.
It is one of the most fucked up, evil ideology ever invented by humans.
I don't give a shit who did it, I want to know why?
Islam should be outlawed, PERIOD.
Just for kicks and grins, for a minute consider WHAT IF?
What if the inventor of a religion thought of a way to put to use the small percentage of any population that was bat shit crazy? What if he created his religion so that that small percentage would be infected with a religious virus and do acts of terror before of course being killed?
Wait....nobody would ever do such a thing, would they?
Or..WHAT IF?..Your sitting their eating your dinner with your family and next thing you hear :Dhere
loud BANG BOOM..
Then the ringing in your ears comes you look over the dinner table and your wife and child are splattered all over the wall and their bodies in bits all over the room with a big hole in the wall were a rocket hit..
I wonder if you be angry?..Now imagine you lived in another country and you found out it was your sisters
brothers cousins home who got blew up..I wonder if you be angry?..
Now here comes the major point..
Islamics Launched their Crusades in 630 A.D.
Western Crusades started in 1095 A.D. to Stop Muslim Invasion
The Crusades were started by the Muslims in the year 630 A.D. when Muhammad invaded and conquered Mecca. Later on, Muslims invaded Syria, Iraq, Jerusalem, Iran, Egypt, Africa, Spain, Italy, France, etc. The Western Crusades started around 1095 to try to stop the Islamic aggressive invasions. Islamic Crusades continued even after the Western Crusades
And Islam is still doing this action in the 21st century IT WILL NEVER STOP..
So see the story i told you about the rocket and the family getting killed that action will never stop..
So we will have very aggressive people in our lands..I.E the cousin the brother muslim who's sister brother mother who been killed..
It will never stop..BUT some people make good money off war so why would we stop?..
How does war stop when Muslims battle over who is right about what they believe..
BUT they battle over something that's not there
And the Muslims also battle over the price of oil and the production..
War with 1 country stops them from selling..
And the funniest thing is black Muslims
..Islam is Known for keeping black slaves more than any religion more than any race..And they go on to worship it
1500 years Islam as been at war with it's self and others..
This time we need to wipe it out once and for ALL..BUT the money trumps peace..
I remember a leader saying 1 day..
They will never stop..So ban it in our nations..
If banned no one can be brain washed by the Islam community..
Also do you know about 800 million Muslims have never read a KORAN..They believe what they get told by other people because most cannot read or cannot afford a koran..
MAMA MERKEL..You killed your own people and you call yourself a CHRISTIAN
A FAKE CHRISTIAN..You Germans vote her back in you need your head testing ..
Mind you.. You have voted for hitler
Excellent at building and technology..THICK AS DOO DOO when it come to picking a leader
OR is it when a leader stays in power to long they become BAT SHIT CRAZY
YES BAN ISLAM IN WESTERN NATIONS..It will never stop always ISLAMIC war..
Always some muslim will die because muslims kill muslims..
So if Muslims kill Muslims what chance does a non believer have?..
BAN BAN BAN ISLAM..And just think if Islam is gone then we will all live in peace
NO it's Islam religion that will never stop killing..